This is exactly my problem--apparently I can send, but not receive Chevelle list mail. I've received answers to my question from individuals, but not from the list itself. I guess I'll have to get another email account somewhere. Thanks,

At 05:24 AM 8/30/2008, you wrote:
I also was bounced. I could send mail to my self and receive mail from friends but nothing from the list. I could send to the list but not receive. Al explained it was SBC causing the problem. I would get one or two emails and then nothing. I called AT&T to complain but to no avail. They tried to tell me it was Yahoo's doing. I don't buy it. AT&T thinks the mail is spam and is blocking it. They black listed The consider it a bulk (spam) mailer. If you are using and you don't have a problem yet, you will. I had to switch this account to Gmail to get the list mail. Everything is working fine so far. I only use Gmail for the chevelle list. I still use sbcglobal for all other mail. And if you download your mail to Outlook, Gmail can do that.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Lessenberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: [Chevelle-list]

I got a message I was bounced from the list. Al says that is automatically bouncing list mail from its servers. Anyone else have this problem & did you get it resolved?? Thanks,

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