i would at least put a plastic tarp under the vehicle, even if it is just 
dirt the underside of the car will quickly rot sitting on the damp ground, it 
would also be a good idea to get the tires off the ground but support it by 
the suspension, dont just let it hang (don;t support it by the frame) i 
think that can cause damage to the suspension.

not positive on the engine rebuild, but you might get condensation if it 
was heated, cooled, over and over.and then rust.


n a message dated 10/13/2009 7:03:26 PM Central Daylight Time, 
lorne.peeb...@xerox.com writes:

>  realize this has probably been asked a hundred times but hope you can
> shed some light on the issue. I have an outdoor car port the ones with
> metal poles and a tarp on top. My question is there anything to put over
> the ground to help with the winterization. I have heard of putting down
> straw or hay but think they would just retain moisture. The ground is
> clear of any growth and is plain dirt. Is it preferred to put the car on
> blocks or just let it sit as is on the rubber.
> Also wondering what kind of problems would I run into if I were to
> rebuild the engine in the garage while the garage is not continuously
> heated? I live in eastern Canada and have but a few weeks left.

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