The junk mail keeps getting through because the email is coming to you from the 
Chevelle list, so the only way to block it would be to block 
"" email address.  At this point its up the 
administrator of the list to block/remove him.  

You might be able to create a Rule with your email software that looks at all 
email coming in and if the message contains "Lee Hester" it will just auto 
delete.  Depends on what options your email program gives you.

Maybe the list admin might do something if we all start threatening to drop off 
the list if he/she doesn't do something.

'72 Malibu - Hoping to start work this winter

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob n Cheri <>
Date: 10/23/10 12:31
Subject: [Chevelle-list] Lee Hester Spammer

Is there is  some way to get rid of this Lee Hester joker?
I have added him to my junk mail, sent his address to MSN and reported as spam.
To no avail this F**k keeps getting through to my in box.
Easy enough to delete but a pain in the a$$.
Bob Belz
Chevelle Content: Put the Chevelle away for the year, sad day.

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