Does anyone have a black 1970 chevelle headrest they'd like to sell?  My body 
shop at some point (Its been down there 2 years) took my seats out and put 
something heavy on one of them and cracked the plastic. I've got one great one 
and that one. 

Thanks for all the help over the years, my body shop and upholstery shop are 
finally finishing my car. The car has been in and out of body shops for 7-8 
years waiting fot them to work on it "in their spare time".  It was in the body 
shop so long that at times I'd forgotten what it looked like. LOL Since this 
my first restoration, I've been ripped off before I learned any better,  and 
this thing has taken WAAAYYY too long. I'm not sure I'd do it again.

Thanks again


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