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Parrot says country is angry From: G MANJU SAINATH
Binayak Sen Meeting Venue in New Delhi Changed From: Kavita Srivastava



Parrot says country is angry


Fri Dec 5, 2008 7:44 am (PST)

We have got a parrot in New Delhi which is singing some 'Veer-Ras'
songs about the Mumbai blast for the last one week. The parrot said just
recently that the country is angry(???). I suspect it's statement because I
know India has lost its anger. India can talk in news channels, lit candle
lights, march 'peaceful' rallies and lay wreath on the dead persons' coffin
and graves but cannot fight against those who are constantly bleeding her.
Our extremely corrupt politicians have made the whole country look before
the world impotent. Their worry is that any war with Pakistan will lay
bare the high level of corruption in defence expenditure. Also, what is
restricting them is that they and their off-springs can die in the war
without even enjoying a bit of the black-money they have amassed over the
years of their 'social service' and which is now rotting in the Swiss Bank.
Be sure. India cannot be angry. To get angry there is need to have blood
that boils but in Aam Admi's veins poverty flows whereas the rich people
have corruption in their veins.
I have a message for our neighbouring country- LONG LIVE PAKISTAN.

Binayak Sen Meeting Venue in New Delhi Changed

Posted by: "Kavita Srivastava" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   kavisriv

Sat Dec 6, 2008 12:18 am (PST)

Dear friends,
Please make note of the change in venue of the meeting to plan the campaign from 10th December to the 16th of December "on ensuring the release of Dr. Binayak Sen and Against the Silencing of Politcal Dissent"  

The new venue is: Tikona Park (Jamia Nagar), 6th December, 3.30 pm onwards

(For Tikona Park, go down the road on Jamia Millia Islamia. You will reach a fork: take the road on the right hand and you will come to tikona park)
Incase you run into trouble contact: 
Apoorvanand: (26495976), Manisha: 9811625577/ Shahnawaz 9898221506
Please do come all of you. I know it is far, but please do come.
Let us plan the campaign from the 10th to the 16th. December.


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