Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Re: cg election results From: Pravin Patel
Arbitrary and Illegal arrest of Lenin Roy From: Nutan Thakur



Re: cg election results

Posted by: "Pravin Patel" reachppa...@yahoo.com   reachppatel

Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:18 am (PST)

Those persons who state that they are surprised at seeing the reactions of the members feel that no body is doing any thing except to talk, as if they are doing every thing. Rubbish.
Who causes bloodshed and anarchy is not secret. I have not seen any mail in the group that makes Naxals heroes. But yes, there are numbers of mails where you will find that they have painted the corrupt and inefficient political persons as big Zeroes. Salwa Judum was practiced by the state in the name of peoples' movement and lots of blood of innocent persons have been shed. Why the mouth does not open at that time? Just few days back also two tribals who were busy on their farms have been killed whom police tried to label as dreaded naxalites when they realized that it was a mistake. If some one writes on the same demanding action against the culprits, eye brows will be raised and will not hesitate to call them as the followers of Naxalites. 
There is nothing wrong to acknowledge any mistake but to demand others from coming out of shell and ...., appears as if some one tries to behave as Gandhi but they should practice first before preaching Gandhi. No body bars them to discuss what they want but why to demand from others what they should discuss and what not. Moderators are here to do their job but to advise them to close the forum is exceeding the limit. Those faces have best option to leave the forum and forget.

(Pravin Patel)


Arbitrary and Illegal arrest of Lenin Roy

Posted by: "Nutan Thakur" drnutantha...@yahoo.com   drnutanthakur

Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:01 am (PST)

Arbitrary and illegal arrest of Lenin Roy

Lenin Kumar Roy, the editor of Nishan, a Left oriented quarterly
magazine published from Bhuvaneshwar (Orissa) was arrested on 07-12-
2008 around 1-1.30 P.m and sent to jail on charges of writing
provocative literature which as per the police version and the
official report would disturb communal peace and harmony. The police
did not stop here. It also arrested two employees of Sovan Press,
Bhubaneswar, after conducting a raid on it for printing the
book `Dharma naanre Kandhamalre Raktara Nadi' published by Lenin
Kumar. This was done at the Sahid Nagar Police Station. When the
activists came to know of this from Mrs Rumita Kundu, Lenin's wife,
they contacted the officer in-charge of police station in the night
who told them that he had been picked up for verification and he
would be released within one hour or so.
In the meantime, the police was planning something nefarious. They
were writing down documents preparing grounds for his so-
called "Maoist links". The said book was alleged to be `Maoist
literature'. Next day, he was produced in the court and the police
alleged crime under Section 153-A and 295-A of IPC which relate
to `publishing provocative literature which can disturb communal
peace and harmony'. The police cited page 38 to 41 of the above
book. And what do those pages have in them? They produce a letter
allegedly written by the RSS to its members for anti dalit, anti
minority activities and also have some of Lenin's comments on this.
So, in India (and particularly in Orissa) it is a crime to write
anything against the RSS or to produce an RSS letter or to comment
upon it- more so if the government is supported by the BJP!
But the actual reason goes even more deeper. In reality, Lenin had
become a pain in the neck for the Navin Patnaik government which has
completely failed in protecting the minority rights in the Kandhamal
episode and has proved to be blatantly partisan and completely
ineffective on law and order front. Unfortunately, he has been
consistently raising voice of dissent for last one year or so in the
pages of Nissan on all these related matters, a fact that was to
great distaste of the establishment, be it the Chief Minister and
his party or the supporting ally BJP. In August 2008, Nishan was
labeled as a Maoist organ by SP Jagatsinghpur though the editor had
protested this allegation.
This is not the lone instance of the Orissa government coming up
heavily against the dissenting members of the intelligentsia and the
media who are critical about the government's activities. A few
months ago, Rabindra Prasad Panda, a prominent Oriya writer, was
sent to jail by the Orissa government for writing a book, using
similar Sections of the IPC.
Thus as the NDTV has rightly said- "Orissa cops have taken the term
gag order to a new level altogether."
I am never able to understand what does the police force in this
Nation want to prove by arresting people like Lenin Ray. Is it not
completely shameful and highly deplorable and atrocious? What is
Lenin's fault- that he writes Maoist literature, that he speaks the
language of Marxism, Leninism and Communism? Is this a free country
we are living in?
I don't think there can be anything more condemnable than this- to
arrest a magazine's Editor just because he sympathizes for a cause
which every right-minded must be and internally is. I have not seen
any sensitive person in the world who is not sympathetic to the poor
and the downtrodden, who does not want all these differences and
economic disparities and exploitations to end, who wants every
person to be able to live a good life.
While the police force of this country is completely helpless before
the terrorists and the extremists who kill them whenever they feel
like, they never leave a chance to arrest such law-abiding and
righteous persons who have a definite purpose in their life and are
sacrificing it for the common man.
I don't know what will happen to our country where such local
dictators who only want bards and sycophants around them. While it
can be the case with the political persons, how can this be true
also with the intellectuals and the Media? Is this the way our
Constitution makers had envisaged our Chief Ministers and
governments to behave? The Media is known as the fourth estate and
the watchdog of a democratic society. But can any society function
properly if its chosen representatives are so intolerant, biased,
personally stymied and spiteful as to pursue matters on a personal
level and stop any person from expressing his/her views.
Lenin's arrest is a blot on our society and must be resisted by each
one of us as an example of complete dictatorship. Is this a free

Dr Nutan Thakur,
Nutan Satta Pravah,

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