Title: chhattisgarh-net

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The Civil War In Chhattisgarh Escalates as Police-Backed Militia Kil

Posted by: "Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरà¤" f...@bytesforall.org   fredericknoronha

Tue Feb 3, 2009 11:17 am (PST)

The Civil War In Chhattisgarh Escalates as Police-Backed Militia Kill
19 Alleged Naxals
See attachment. FN

Wild elephants enter Chhattisgarh village

Posted by: "Pravin Patel" reachppa...@yahoo.com   reachppatel

Tue Feb 3, 2009 2:39 pm (PST)

Elephant menace is not limited to Chhattisgarh only but it is also there at Jharkhand and Orissa.

It is not the forest department only but Mining and State Pollution Control Boards are also equally responsible for the elephant menace that has disturbed tribal habitats resulting in man and animal conflict.
First of all reduced forest cover day by day, Open cast mining adding fuel to the fire by not only destroying the forest but also rampant blasting at the mines, pollution in the mining areas as well as the huge air and water pollution that is caused by a series of highly polluting coal based sponge iron plants that emits large quantities of burnt and semi burnt particles of coal and iron along with ash and about 25000 cubic meter per hour of toxic gases that has disturbed the greenery with a thick black coat of pollutants. Where the large animal like elephant will go?
They move to the paddy fields and other greenery at the village areas where tribals are protecting their fields. For Elephant men is his enemy and for tribals in those areas, Elephants are culprits causing damages to them.
Instead of forest department trying to cooperate with the poor tribals, they should look at the causes that has disturbed the habitat of the animals that will be the permanent solution ad not the damage control exercise, which are definitely going to fail. Let more mining and industrial activity take place, worst days are yet to come with corrupt people granting permissions without any application of mind to large industrial corporations to loot the natural wealth.

Pravin Patel


Singaram : Congress MLAs suspended from assembly for a day

Posted by: "Pravin Patel" reachppa...@yahoo.com   reachppatel

Tue Feb 3, 2009 2:41 pm (PST)

If the state is clean and they have nothing to fear, why they are hesitating to order for a CBI inquiry?
By not ordering the CBI Inquiry or a committee of the MLAs, as demanded by the Congress MLAs, they are perfectly rights as being in opposition, they are performing the role of watchdogs.
When one Tapsi was killed at Singur, 13 villagers were killed at Nandigram, CBI inquiry was promptly ordered. Government denied all along that none of their party people are involved and killing of Tapsi is act of goons. CBI inquiry ordered by the High Court and cases at the court proved that Tapsi was killed by two senior CPM leaders who held senior positions in the party set up in the area. Both of them are convicted u/s 302 for killing Tapsi.
We have the incident of Sohrabuddin in front of us. Gujarat government all along denied but it was finally proved that it was a fake encounter that has resulted in two top IPS officials going behind the bar. 
Is lives of tribals so cheap that the state can play such mischief and try to shied the guilty in the name of "Moral of the Police" ? Killers have no moral. Those who have killed are all known faces in the area whom the villagers have named also. What more proof the state wants? Order a CBI inquiry and conduct NARCO test of all those who have been named as killers, truth will come out. When in Arushi case, or in the matter of Nithari killings, a series of NARCO tests can be conducted again and again why not in the matter of Singarm?
I suspect the state tries its best to hide the crime committed by the SPOs and Salwa Judum people to save its skin at the Supreme Court of India where in NHRC report, they can be put to awkward situation if the truth is allowed to come out.
Just as the police had taken photographs of the bodies of those killed, many media persons have also taken photographs and interviews of the villagers. Home Minister should not be biased and should sportingly order the CBI inquiry as the fingers are raised against his own forces supported Salwa Judum people. There is no hope on the SDM inquiry report since in present circumstances, every body knows that a junior officer like SDM has to do what the government asks him to do.
I am in agreement with the demand of the congress party that government must order a CBI probe or by a committee of the state assembly to ascertain the truth behind the Jan 8 killings and nothing less than that if the hands of the state are clean.  

Pravin Patel


Jharkhand mulls new rehab policy for Maoist rebels

Posted by: "CGNet" cgnet...@gmail.com

Tue Feb 3, 2009 9:37 pm (PST)

Any lessons for CG here...?

Jharkhand mulls new rehab policy for Maoist rebels
The policy intends to reduce punishment of surrendered rebels, provide land and financial support, besides ensuring security to their family members

Ranchi: The Government of Jharkhand is planning to come out with a new
rehabilitation policy soon to lure the Maoist rebels to surrender, officials
sources said.

The proposed policy will be different from the previous ones, as it talks
about ensuring security to surrendered Maoist rebels and provides for better
rehabilitation package, reports IANS quoting a senior government official.

Admitting that previous policies failed to lure Maoist rebels, the official
said the new policy had been formulated after considering the flaws of the
earlier policies. "The proposed policy is also looking at how to protect the
interest of surrendered Maoist rebels," he said.

According to sources, the new policy proposes minimising the sentence of
surrendered rebels, providing land and financial support and ensuring
security to the family members of surrendered rebels.

"The motive is to cultivate interest of rebels who joined Maoist outfits
under circumstances like poverty or repression. The success of the policy
will depend on the response," a senior state government official said.

The draft of the new policy has already been submitted to the Jharkhand
Governor Syed Sibte Razi for final approval.

The governor is likely to discuss the draft with his three advisors
appointed to assist him to run the state, which is presently under
president's rule.

One of the advisors, T P Sinha is a former Director General of Police (DGP)
of the state and well acquainted with the Maoist problem.

The government officials say once the rebels start responding to the policy,
it would demoralise the different Maoist outfits operating in the state.

Maoist rebels are active in 18 of the 24 districts of Jharkhand. In the last
seven to eight years, more than 1,450 people have been killed in Maoist
related violence.


36garh Diary | 04 | Feb | 2009

Posted by: "Praveen" pmanikp...@gmail.com   praveen_irm

Wed Feb 4, 2009 12:25 am (PST)

Dear Friends,

Here is the News about Chhattisgarh in the media todayÂ…

32 legislators suspended from Chhattisgarh assembly
Hindustan Times - India
Thirty-two legislators of Chhattisgarh's opposition Congress party
were suspended for a day from the state assembly on Tuesday after they
trooped towards ...

Chhattisgarh has 11361 prisoners against jail capacity of 5219
Fresh News - Delhi,Delhi,India
By Indo-Asian News Service on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 A total of
11361 prisoners are at present in Chhattisgarh's 27 jails that have a
total capacity to ...

Raman Singh to present supplementary demand budget
Hindu - Chennai,India
Raipur (PTI): Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh will present the
second supplementary demand budget for fiscal 2008-09 on the floor of
the assembly on ...

More news can be found with full coverage at...

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Praveen Manikpuri
for CGnet moderators team

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