Title: chhattisgarh-net

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attack on kopa

Posted by: "vcadantewada ashram" vcadantew...@gmail.com

Thu Aug 6, 2009 4:45 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from vcadantewada ashram included below]

Attachment(s) from vcadantewada ashram

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Copper effective at inactivating H1N1

Posted by: "sri venkat" ahvenkit...@gmail.com   viji123

Thu Aug 6, 2009 8:37 pm (PDT)

Validates india practise of using of copper vessels.

Copper can boost fight against swine flu


IANS 25 July 2009

LONDON: Copper is quite effective in inhibiting the influenza A H1N1
virus commonly known as Swine flu, according to the latest study.

Copper appears to have a broad spectrum in antiviral activity due to
its effectiveness against RNA (Ribonucleic acid)-based influenza and
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)-based adenovirus 40/41, which causes
gastrointestinal infections.

Bill Keevil, professor at the University of Southampton’s School of
Biological Sciences, said that he believed copper could be used to
reduce the spread of flu in public places.

"With the ongoing threat of contamination by influenza A virus, such
as H1N1, there is a real and pressing need to utilise all appropriate
and effective measures with proven antimicrobial qualities," said

"It is recognised that many infectious diseases are contagious and
studies have now shown that the use of copper as a surface material in
key public places such as hospitals and food preparation areas offers
the potential to substantially restrict and reduce the spread of
harmful infections."

The influenza aspect of the study involved a series of experiments
testing incubation of influenza A on copper and stainless steel

Results showed that after incubation for one hour on copper, 75
percent of the virus was eradicated. Similar inactivation rates have
now been observed for adenovirus 40/41.

The study has contributed further to the understanding of copper's
antimicrobial qualities, which actively inhibit the growth of
bacteria, fungi and viruses, said a University of Southampton release.

These findings were presented at the BIT Life Sciences' Second Annual
World Summit on Anti-virals in Beijing this week.


First incident of "a Naxal - Commander" coming in to open in Surguja

Posted by: "Rajesh Singh Sisodia" nangep...@gmail.com

Thu Aug 6, 2009 8:38 pm (PDT)

*Nange Paon Satyagraha*

*Vivekanand Nagar, Manendragarh Road – Ambikapur (C.G.) 497001*

*Esteemed Friends*

*Warm Regards to all of you;*

*First opening of a Naxal – Area Commander in Surguja*

In Surguja district of Chhattisgarh, many naxals were arrested or killed in
various encounters. But on 31st July, 2009 a history was made by us.

Mr. Prashant Thakur alias Mandeep Singh who have had a strong hold in banned
Communist Party of India(Maoist) broke himself from the banned
C.P.I.(Maoist) and decided to join the main stream politics. Prashant is
likely to contest assembly election from Garhwa (Jharkhand). He is staunch
supporter of Sri Kameshwar Baitha( Member of Loksabha from Garhwa). Sri
Baitha represents Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, he won the election from Jail and
is still in jailed M.P.

In my home, a press – conference was organized in which Prashant declared to
break every sort of relations with the M.C.C.(I). He said that violence is
no solution to any problem. He asked the Maoists to review their doctrine.
He urged different political parties to encourage entry of surrendered
naxals in their parties.

I, who was the organizer of whole event, called upon the attention of state
and central governments to make a more attractive surrender policy for the
naxlites who want to join the main streams.

*About back – ground of Prashant:*

Prashant is son of Late Prasiddha Thakur who founded M.C.C.(I) in Surguja.
Prasiddha Thakur was killed in a fake – encounter during 2003.

Prashant was deeply influenced by Swami Agnivesh during his adolesence. He
is well – educated. He spent around 6 years of his life in Garhwa and
Ambikapur jails.

He was the popular – most area commander in Surguja. He used to punish any –
one only if the mass permitted him to do so. He has no track record of
torturing any one with out the permission of mass.

*Prashant met I.G. Sri R.C.Patel with me:*

Prior to press – conference we met I.G. Surguja range Sri R.C.Patel who
assured security and co – operation to Prashant.

*Your encouragement badly solicited:*

Now it's your turn to encourage Prashant who has made a history in North
Chhattisgarh. He can be contacted on his mobile no.09661479382. Kindly greet
him for the bold step he has taken.

*Pledged to remain bare – foot until human rights are totally exercised;**

*Sincerely Your's*

*(Rajesh Singh Sisodia)*


*Nange Paon Satyagraha, Vivekanand Nagar, M.G.Road – Ambikapur (C.G.)*

*Mob:09826921897 & 09229240638*

Will anyone stand up for the school boy killed by the police near Ja

Posted by: "savebastar" savebas...@ymail.com   savebastar

Thu Aug 6, 2009 8:38 pm (PDT)

I guess not because we are talking of Bastar and not Manipur.Also we only have local media present in Bastar and not Tehelka who made the killing of Sanjit a national news.

I guess there won't be any obituary in any newspaper for Manglu,any protest in Raipur or as a matter of fact in Bastar afterall we are talking about the fake encounter of a tribal school boy.

Home minister Nankiram kanwar put it very aptly when asked about this fake encounter that whether its a school boy,farmer,teacher etc all are naxalites.

I wonder what stopped him from saying that all tribal are naxalites???



Will anyone stand up for the school boy killed by the police near Ja

Posted by: "vijendra Aznabi" vij...@gmail.com

Fri Aug 7, 2009 12:16 am (PDT)

This is really a pathetic state of human rights in Chhattisgarh. Young boys
are also not sparred by the police. A proper judicial investigation should
be initiated by the govt in the interest of justice. If it happened by
mistake, police should immediately seek public apology with adequate
compensation by the government. But, if it done deliberately, then culprits
should bring to the justice. This is the irony, that state having one-third
Adivasi population is now become anti-Adivasi police state, where rights of
the adivasis are severely jeopardise.
The government and Adivasi leadership has to be sensitive towards killings
of adivasi in the name of naxal and also their destitution in the name of
development. Otherwise, soon the Adivasi become either extinct and rest of
them become extremist.


From: "savebastar" <savebas...@ymail.com>
To: chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 17:09:31 -0000
Subject: Will anyone stand up for the school boy killed by the police near
I guess not because we are talking of Bastar and not Manipur.Also we only
have local media present in Bastar and not Tehelka who made the killing of
Sanjit a national news.

I guess there won't be any obituary in any newspaper for Manglu,any protest
in Raipur or as a matter of fact in Bastar afterall we are talking about the
fake encounter of a tribal school boy.

Home minister Nankiram kanwar put it very aptly when asked about this fake
encounter that whether its a school boy,farmer,teacher etc all are

I wonder what stopped him from saying that all tribal are naxalites???

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