Title: chhattisgarh-net

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Re: What is development and whose development are we talking about?

Posted by: "Alok Sharma" alok_ksha...@yahoo.com   alok_ksharma

Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:30 am (PDT)

Let's start with the basics first. Financial year in India is April-March. For the Center and for the States. Regular budgets are always presented in Feb. However, if there is an election scheduled after the budget (like this year),then, interim budget is passed in Feb to let the new government present the budget for the rest of the year whenever it is ready to do so. This year, due to elections, the interim budget was presented in Feb and a new budget was presented in July by the new government. But this does not change the financial year accounting which in any cases always remains from April to March.

It is also easy to figure this out from the website that you cited in your post. The site provides you a feature to get the cumulative numbers from any given month to any given month. So for any year, if you ask it to add from April to March of next year, it matches exactly for the totals for that particular budget year in the yearly table. So it is obvious that the financial year is from April to March.

Now to figure out how many months of 09-10 budget year are included in the number, all you have to do is find the cumulative number from April 09 to every successive month. If you add April 09 to May 09 the number (close to 106 billion) exactly matches the number to the last cent for the budget year 09-10. If you now add June 09 to that calculation, the total does not change implying that June 09 numbers are not in yet. That's how I figured out that 09-10 number is for those two months(April, May) only. I did not have to assume anything. It was a very simple reasoning.

What surprises me now is that even after you realized, as you claim, that every year since 01-02 the receipts are increasing by teen or twenty percent consistently all the way upto 08-09 and then suddenly in 09-10 they drop 84% from the past year, the theme of your story was not that receipts dropped 84% last year after growing every year! Your story was still that receipts dropped 50% from 01-02.That is tough to believe. Personally I don't think you checked any other budget year first time around. I think you just compared 01-02 to 09-10 (without even realizing that 09-10 is not even half-way through) found a -50% numbers, got excited by it and ran with the number to create a story.

I repeat, one such presentation in a business meeting or conference, and people lose all their credibility in the industry. The incident become a joke for a long time to come. It does not matter what quality of data source or what analysis, people are expected to take responsibility for the quality their final output.

Please don't take it personally. I respect you as you are an IITian. I would have felt this way if anyone else I know had made a similar error.


--- In chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com, rahul <aaroh...@...> wrote:
> I had doubts about the data and was not misled. I checked every year and saw that the dip had taken place suddenly after 2008-09. But since these were the data on the government website ( and it is not mentioned anywhere as to how many months they pertain to and so one wonders how Alok assumes that they are for the months of May- June because in India the state budgets are presented in July every year) that is the data one has to take. Even if actually the budget estimates for 2009-10 are much more ( clicking on the budget link on the website does not lead anywhere and so it is not possible to get the actual estimates ).
> The fact remains that the revenue expenditures are much more than the capital expenditures and a major portion of the revenue expenditures is made up of salary and interest payments. Which in turn means that very little is going into actual development.
> Rahul Banerjee
> --- On Fri, 14/8/09, Dipankar <dbasu2002in@...> wrote:


Appeal: Doctors needed in Jharkhand

Posted by: "Kamayani BaliMahabal" kamay...@ymail.com   kamay...@ymail.com

Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:42 am (PDT)

Urgent Appeal!

Doctors needed for Womens Health Centre in poor, backward village
of Bokaro, Jharkhand

Are you a dedicated, highly motivated doctor wishing
to help poor women survive childbirth? Do you have experience in gynecology /obstetrics, or the urge to learn?

We are a small organization based 25 kms away from Bokaro Steel
City , running a health centre for poor women. We have nurses that provide 24/7 care for women in childbirth. But for women with complications, there is no effective referral system. Private care is too expensive, government services too far away. We are planning to set up obstetric emergency care and are in desperate need of
doctors willing to help.

Are you such a doctor?

If so, please do contact us, either by e-mail janchetnamanch@ rediffmail. com  or by phone 09431128882 or 09801966800

Position available for Community Based Womens Health
centre in Bokaro district, Jharkhand

We need a dedicated,motivated doctor (MBBS minimum) with an interest in gynecology/obstetri cs for a community based womens health centre located in a village 25 kms away from Bokaro Steel City , Jharkhand. Position is residential.

About the health centre

The Womens Health Centre has been set up by village women to serve their health needs, in the mid 90s. The women have been organized into self help groups by the NGO,Jan Chetna Manch. The health centre is ‘owned’ by the federation of these groups, the Mahila Mandal Samiti. There are around 7,000 members of these groups.

Currently the health centre has a birth centre, which has around 30-35 normal births per month, clinics 3 days a week, and an outreach programme. Village women & nurses have been trained to provide most of the services, under the supervision of a consultant gynecologist/ obstetrician. Health workers also undertake health awareness campaigns and trainings in the area.

The aim of the health centre is to improve the health and well being of poor women and children,which includes providing low cost, quality, rational medical treatment in an area where such facilities do not exist.

Plans for expansion

Due to lack of affordable, quality obstetric care in the area, the health centre has been extended, in order to provide an operation theatre, neonatal care unit, and a laboratory. We have space for 8 indoor patients. We will continue to focus upon women and childrens health. We have also built residential quarters for a
resident doctor and nurses.

Role of the resident doctor

Attend all the clinicsAttend complicated birthsConduct / assist surgical casesProvide post-operative careLearn to conduct MTP using MVAAssist in outreach programmes Support health awareness initiatives


Salary will be negotiable, according to experience and qualifications.

Experienced gyn/obs and women will be preferred.

Basic accommodation is available.

details: Lindsay Barnes:  9431128882, 09801966800,
<janchetnamanch@ rediffmail. com>


Drought of justice, flood of funds by P. Sainath

Posted by: "CGNet" cgnet...@gmail.com

Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:00 am (PDT)

Drought of justice, flood of funds

P. Sainath

Ask for expansion of the NREGS, universal access to the PDS, more
spending on health and education — and there’s no money. But there’s
enough to give away to the corporate world in concessions.

Sure, August is proving an unusual month. But what an extraordinary
one July was! We celebrated the delivery of the cheapest car in the
world and the costliest tur dal in our history within the same 31
days. And it took some work to get there. The price of tur dal was
around Rs. 34 a kilogram just after the 2004 elections, Rs. 54 before
the 2009 polls, Rs. 62 just after and, now at over Rs. 90, bids for
three-figure status.

The euphoria of July also saw Montek Singh Ahluwalia declare that the
“worst is behind us.” (Though it must be conceded that he said that
even in June and, possibly, earlier.) That’s good. I only wish he had
told us when the worst was upon us. It would have been nice to know.
Otherwise, it gets hard to appreciate improvement.

As a matter of fact, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Agriculture
Minister Sharad Pawar suggest that the worst could be ahead of us. And
they don’t mean the swine flu. Both appear to have written off much of
thekharif crop. They advise us to buckle up for a further rise in food
prices due to the drought they now say affects 177 districts. That
they’ve thrown in the towel on the kharif crop is evident in their
calling for a more efficient planning of the rabi. Yet, the government
had two months during which it could have opted for compensatory
production of foodgrain in regions getting relatively better rainfall.
But there was no effort at monsoon management.

Even today, there are very useful things that could be done to counter
the worst ahead. A positive step taken by the Rural Development
Ministry now allows small but vital assets like farm ponds to be
created on the lands of farmers through the NREGS. A pond on every
farm should be the objective of every government. (Incidentally, this
would help hugely with the rabiseason. It would also ease the
hostility of quite a few farmers towards the NREGS.) A massive
expansion of the NREGS will also help cushion the lakhs of labourers
struggling to find work and devastated by rising food costs. But it
would call for throwing out the entirely destructive 100-days-per-
household limit on work under the scheme. With the Prime Minister
calling for anti-drought measures on “a war footing,” this should be
the time to do it.

The price-rise-due-to-drought warning is a fraud. Of course, a drought
and major crop failure will push up prices further. But prices were
steadily rising for five years since the 2004 elections, long before a
drought. Take the years between 2004 and 2008 when you had some good
monsoons. And more than one year in which we claimed “record
production” of foodgrain. The price of rice went up 46 per cent, of
wheat by over 62 per cent, atta 55 per cent, salt 42 per cent and
more. By March 2008, the average increase in the prices of such items
was already well over 40 per cent. Then, they rose again till a little
before the 2009 polls. And have risen dramatically in the past three

The Agriculture Minister appears to have figured out that the stunning
rise in the price of pulses may have little to do with drought. “There
is no reason,” he finds, “for prices to rise in this fashion merely on
a supply-demand gap.” He then goes on to find a valid reason:
“blackmarketing or hoarding.” But remains silent on forward trading in
agricultural commodities. Many senior Ministers have long maintained
that “there is no evidence” that speculation related to forward
trading has had any impact on food prices. (The ban on trading in
wheat futures was lifted even before the results of the 2009 polls
were announced in May. And existing bans on other items have been
challenged in interpretation.)

The price rise since 2004 could be the highest for any period in the
country barring perhaps the pre-Emergency period. For the media, of
course, July was far more interesting for the political price in
Parliament over the gas war between the Ambani brothers. When these
two barons brawl, governments can fall. Also, how could atta be more
interesting than airline tickets (the prices of which fell
dramatically over several years)? Food prices might have gone up but
airline travel costs went down and those are the prices that mattered.

So the price of aviation turbine fuel became a far more to-be-covered
thing as private airlines threatened a strike demanding public money
bailouts. At the time of writing, it appears the government will try
and make things cheaper for them. These airline owners include some
associated with the IPL, which got crores of rupees worth of tax write-
offs last year. Maharashtra waived entertainment tax on the IPL. And
with so many games held in Mumbai that proved a bonanza for the barons
paid for by the public.

There’s always money for the Big Guys. Take a look at the budget and
the “Revenues foregone under the central tax system.” The estimate of
revenues foregone from corporate revenues in 2008-09 is Rs. 68,914
crore. (http://indiabudget.nic.in/ub2009-10/statrevfor/annex12.pdf) By
contrast, the NREGS covering tens of millions of impoverished human
beings gets Rs. 39,100 crore in the 2009-10 budget.

Remember the great loan waiver of 2008, that historic write-off of the
loans of indebted farmers? Recall the editorials whining about ‘fiscal
imprudence?’ That was a one-time, one-off waiver covering countless
millions of farmers and was claimed to touch Rs. 70,000 crore. But
over Rs. 130,000 crore (in direct taxes) has been doled out in
concessions in just two budgets to a tiny gaggle of merchants hogging
at the public trough. Without a whimper of protest in the media.
Imagine what budget giveaways to corporates since 1991 would total.
We’d be talking trillions of rupees.

Imagine if we were able to calculate what the corporate mob has gained
in terms of revenue foregone in indirect taxes. Those would be much
higher and would mostly swell the corporate kitty for the simple
reason that producers rarely pass on these gains to consumers. Let’s
take only what the budget tells us (Annexure 12, Table 12, p.58).
Income foregone in 2007-08 due to direct tax concessions was Rs.
62,199 crore. That foregone on excise duty was Rs. 87,468 crore. And
on customs duty Rs. 1,53,593 crore. That adds up to Rs. 3,03,260
crore. Even if we drop export credit from this, it comes to well over
Rs. 200,000 crore. For 2008-09, that figure would be over Rs. 300,000
crore. That is a very conservative estimate. It does not include all
manner of subsidies and rate cuts and other freebies to the corporate
sector. But it’s big enough.

Simply put, the corporate world has grabbed concessions in just two
years that total more than seven times the ‘fiscally imprudent’ farm
loan waiver. In fact, it means that on average we have been feeding
the corporate world close to Rs. 700 crore every day in those two
years. Imagine calculating what this figure would be, in total, since
1991. (Er.., what’s the word for the bracket above ‘trillion?’) Ask
for an expansion of the NREGS, seek universal access to the PDS, plead
for more spending on public health and education — and there’s no
money. Yet, there’s enough to give away nearly Rs. 30 crore an hour to
the corporate world in concessions.

If Indian corporates saw their net profits rise in April-June this
year, despite gloom and doom around them, there’s a reason. All that
feeding frenzy at the public trough. The same quarter saw 1.7 lakh
organised sector jobs lost in the very modest estimate of the Labour
Ministry. That’s not counting the 15 lakh jobs said to have been lost
in just the export sector between September and April by the then
Commerce Secretary.

And now comes the drought. A convenient villain to hang all our man-
made distress on — and sure to oblige by adding greatly to that
distress. A huge fall in farm incomes is in the offing. If the
government wants to act on a war footing, it could start with a
serious expansion of the NREGS (about the only lifejacket people in
districts like Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh have at this point, for

It could launch, among many other things, the pond-in-every-farm
programme. It could restructure farm loan schedules. It could start
getting the idea of monsoon management into its thinking. It could
curb forward trading-linked speculation that was driving one of our
worst price rises in history long before the drought was on the
horizon. And it could declare universal access to the PDS. That cost
could probably be easily covered by, say, cancelling the dessert from
the menu of the unending corporate free lunch in this country.

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