Title: chhattisgarh-net

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No payments for NREGA work after 4 months

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:10 am (PDT)

Dear friends

Bhan Sahu from Rajnandgaon has reported that people have not been paid
after 4 months of work in National Rural Employment Guarantee program.
She says after summer it is the worst time for the farmers
economically and they were hoping the payment from NREGA will help.But
they are forced to borrow to sow seeds and send their children to


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Statement from Lingaram Kodopi refuting police allegations

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:18 am (PDT)

Dear friends

As you know Chhattisgarh Police has accused a tribal journalism
student Lingaram Kodopi as a mastermind of a recent maoist operation
in which a Congress party leader was attacked and 2 men were killed.
The unsigned press note from police also claimed that Lingaram is
tipped to take over as the head of Maoist party in Chhattisgarh.
Lingaram Kodopi denies the charges in this statement and says police
is targeting him because they are afraid that if a tribal becomes a
journalist then their misdeeds will be exposed.


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55% of India's population poor: Report

Posted by: "Madhu Chandra" fin...@gmail.com   madhuchandrasingh

Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:19 am (PDT)

55% of India's population poor: Report
Rukmini Shrinivasan, TNN, Jul 15, 2010, 03.24am IST


NEW DELHI: India's abysmal track record at ensuring basic levels of nutrition is the greatest contributor to its poverty as measured by the new international Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI). About 645 million people or 55% of India's population is poor as measured by this composite indicator made up of ten markers of education, health and standard of living achievement levels.

Developed by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) for the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) forthcoming 2010 Human Development Report, the MPI attempts to capture more than just income poverty at the household level. It is composed of ten indicators: years of schooling and child enrollment (education); child mortality and nutrition (health); and electricity, flooring, drinking water, sanitation, cooking fuel and assets (standard of living). Each education and health indicator has a 1/6 weight, each standard of living indicator a 1/18 weight.

The new data also shows that even in states generally perceived as prosperous such as Haryana, Gujarat and Karnataka, more than 40% of the population is poor by the new composite measure, while Kerala is the only state in which the poor constitute less than 20%. The MPI measures both the incidence of poverty and its intensity. A person is defined as poor if he or she is deprived on at least 3 of the 10 indicators. By this definition, 55% of India was poor, close to double India's much-criticised official poverty figure of 29%. Almost 20% of Indians are deprived on 6 of the 10 indicators.

Nutritional deprivation is overwhelmingly the largest factor in overall poverty, unsurprising given that half of all children in India are under-nourished according to the National Family Health Survey III (2005-06). Close to 40% of those who are defined as poor are also nutritionally deprived. In fact, the contribution of nutrition to the overall MPI is even greater in urban than rural India.

A comparison of the state of Madhya Pradesh and the sub-Saharan nation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which have close to the same population and a similar MPI (0.389 and 0.393 respectively), shows that nutritional deprivation, arguably the most fundamental part of poverty, in MP far exceeds that in the DRC. Nutritional deprivation contributes to almost 20% of MP's MPI and only 5% of the DRC's MPI. MP's drinking water, electricity and child mortality levels are better than that of the DRC.

Multi-dimensional poverty is highest (81.4% poor) among Scheduled Tribes within India's Hindu population, followed by Scheduled Castes (65.8%), Other Backward Class (58.3%) and finally the general population (33.3%).

There is significant variation between the poverty incidence in various states as per the MPI and as per the Indian Planning Commission's official figures. Based on the MPI, Bihar has by far the most poor of any state in the country, with 81.4% of its population defined as poor, which is close to 12% more than the next worst state of Uttar Pradesh.

As per the Planning Commission's figures, 41.4% of Bihar and 32.8% of UP is poor. In a possible indication of inadequate access to health and education facilities which do not show up in income poverty, almost 60% of north-east India and close to 50% of Jammu & Kashmir are poor as per the MPI, while the Planning Commission figures are around 16% and 5% respectively.

The findings would provide further ballast to the argument of some economists that India's official poverty estimation methods are too narrowly focused to capture the real extent of deprivation in the country.

Right To Education likely to be watered down

Posted by: "Rishi Pathania" rishipatha...@hotmail.com   rishipathania

Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:19 am (PDT)

Right To Education likely to be watered down

Akshaya Mukul, TNN, Jul 14, 2010, 10.44pm IST

NEW DELHI: In what could end up diluting the Right to Education Act, the government is considering a crucial amendment whereby schools will not be required to admit all applicants and can screen and select most of the students who will gain entry.

The "admission-as-an entitlement" provision will be limited to only the poor children in the neighbourhood and seats for them will be pegged at 25%. Put simply, schools will continue to have the right to screen 75% of the admissions, in a major amendment that has been prompted by sustained lobbying by private schools. Public schools across the country were up in arms, insisting that the no-screening clause could seriously affect their quality.

Section 13 of RTE Act not only bans screening but also fixes a penalty of Rs 25,000 on a school for first contravention and Rs 50,000 for each subsequent contravention.

Schools as well as state governments are also agitated about the no-detention provision -- which guarantees automatic promotion to the next class irrespective of a student's performance -- in the law and are demanding a change.

Signalling a rethink, HRD minister Kapil Sibal said, "There are practical problems with no-screening. How will schools like Doon, Mayo, Modern and others give random admission to children? Therefore, I have suggested that while schools will not screen 25% of poor children in the neighbourhood who have to be taken, 75% will go through the screening system that the school already has in place."

Pointing out that even Navodaya Vidyalayas did screening, Sibal said a practical solution was needed to implement important legislation like the RTE Act.

With Muslim organizations agitated about madrassas not coming within the ambit of RTE Act, it has also been decided to sort out the anomaly. The RTE Act defines only recognized schools as schools while most madrassas function outside the purview of the formal set-up and, hence, are not recognized. Muslim leaders argue that the stipulation under the RTE requiring all educational institutions to acquire recognition -- which by implication will include madarsas -- is at odds with Article 30 of the Constitution which gives minority communities freedom to set up and run their own institutions.

That RTE is going through several amendments is only natural, given its ambitious intent and sweep. The first round of amendment in RTE is already with the parliamentary standing committee. Amendments pertain to giving an advisory role to the School Management Committee in minority educational institutions and widening the scope of 'child with disability' so that it includes those suffering from autism, celebral palsy, mental retardation and other disabilities.

The government is also seized of another amendment; the one that seeks to give SMCs an advisory role in all aided schools. This amendment was suggested by Kerala politicians who said letting minority schools have SMCs in an advisory role and not giving the same privilege to aided schools will put the latter in a disadvantageous position.


Police slaps case of rioting on Himanshu Kumar on cycle  yatra

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:48 pm (PDT)

Dear friends

As you know Himanshu Kumar of Vanvasi Chetna Ashram Dantewada is on a
nation wide cycle tour to campaign against Operation Green Hunt and
talk to people about what is happening with tribals in Chhattisgarh.
Punjab police has put a case of rioting with dangerous arms on him
which looks like as an attempt to stop his cycle yatra


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Nothing Poetic about death

Posted by: "Kamayani BaliMahabal" kamay...@ymail.com   kamay...@ymail.com

Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:19 pm (PDT)

Not tho’ the soldier knewSome one had blunder’dTheirs not to make reply,Theirs not to reason why,Theirs but to do & die,Into the valley of deathRode the six hundredIt was these lines from Alfred Tennyson’s immortal poem `The Charge Of The Light Brigade‘ that were involuntarily playing in my head when I arrived at Narayanpur’s valley of death, in the Jharaghatti forest of Chhattisgarh. We had managed to reach there after nearly 18 hours of virtually non-stop driving from Hyderabad.Most of the countryside in Chhattisgarh had seemed so deceptively serene and lush, it was unnerving to think of the shadows of danger lurking in the thick forests. We had somehow managed to get to the spot despite entry being restricted and here I was standing at the very place where less than 24 hours ago, a virtually one-sided battle had raged.
Adv  Kamayani Bali Mahabal

I carry a torch in one hand
And a bucket of water in the other:
With these things I am going to set fire to Heaven
And put out the flames of Hell
So that voyagers to God can rip the veils
And see the real goal........................................By Rabia (Rabi'a Al-'Adawiyya)

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