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Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:53:17 -0500
From: George Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Non-violence is non-news, but that's wrong

Oaxaca, Wednesday 18 October 2006


      While the media keep trumpeting violence in Oaxaca, and the U.S.
and Canadian governments tell potential visitors to keep away from this
once beautiful, now dangerous city, the true news is the peacefulness of
this struggle. My latest post begins

                         "A revolution with an absolute
                              minimum of violence"
                       It's not 'news' – but it should be
                        by G.S.<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                               8-13 October 2006

                                this page is at

      Today it's Sunday (8 Oct 2006) in Oaxaca, beautiful clear air,
sunny, a morning to enjoy a mole tamale and hot coffee for breakfast. So
I walked down the street to the market, Mercado Sanchez Pasques, to get
tamales for Nancy and me. The market was teeming, people and dogs moving
uncertainly in all directions. I slowly worked my way through the crowd
towards the tamale lady's great aluminum vessel sitting on a glowing
brazier. From the towel across the top of the giant pot steam escaped,
condensing into the fresh morning air.  ...

      There is, in fact, a struggle over whether this struggle is to be
violent or non-violent. The governements want violence, the popular
movement does not. It now appears that the people may prevail,
non-violently, making this a great revolution of historic import. Two
earlier recent posts are also on this theme.

Oaxaca state government not to be trusted, 9 October 2006.
      A plan prepared by the Oaxaca state government came to light some
days ago. On Friday 6 October at a press conference, the Popular Assembly
of the People of Oaxaca (APPO, its initials in Spanish) disclosed a
so-called Iron plan to attack and arrest the protestors. Here is a
translation of the report from La Jornada on 7 October ... To see entire
item, (htm)

Striking Gold: The genesis of this "strategy for revolution" project, 30
August 1996, posted 8 October 2006.
      In 1996, within a period of three-and-a-half months, I "lucked
out", first because James Herod gave me a copy of the first draft of
Getting Free, and then I came upon a copy of Jaime Marti'nez Luna's
Comunalidad y Autonomi'a (Communality and Autonomy) ... I have no doubt
that the ideas expressed in these essays are absolutely crucial for the
social revolution so many of us are striving to achieve (as the massive
actions against the World Trade Organization in Seattle a few short weeks
ago make clear). If these ideas prevail, it will be a revolution with an
absolute minimum of violence. ... To see entire item, (htm)

      The new website, focused on Oaxaca, which I'm doing with Bill
Budington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, is at

All comments and criticisms are welcome.    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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