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From: "Dana Aldea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EZLN Communique: Second Stage of the Other Campaign begins,Mar 22
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 00:27:08 +0100

Originally published in Spanish by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN

- EZLN to Initiates the Second Stage of it's Direct Participation in the
Other Campaign in Mexico
- The Delegation will be Formed by Seven Comandantas, Seven Comandates and a

Communique of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Mexico, March 22, 2007

The EZLN, by means of their Sixth Commission, announces to the compa~eras
and compa~eros adherents to the Sixth Declaration and the Other Campaign, to
the Zezta International and to the people of Mexico and the world the

First: Due to the new offensive against the Zapatista communities carried
out by paramilitaries affiliated with the PRI and PRD and supported by the
state [Democratic Revolution Party] and federal [National Action Party]
governments, the Zapatista leadership has had to make some adjustments that
will allow continued protection of our communities and at the same time
fulfilling their commitments with the Other Campaign.

We will resist the attacks of the paramilitaries in an organized and civil
form. With the mobilization of our communities and calling on the solidarity
support of the honest people of Mexico and the entire world, we will
continue to link our Zapatista struggle for indigenous rights and culture
with other Indian peoples of Mexico and the American continent, and with the
struggles maintained by organizations, groups, collectives, families and
individuals of the Other Campaign in our country.

Second: Furthermore, over the next few days, the Sixth Commission of the
EZLN will initiate the second stage of its direct participation in the Other
Campaign in Mexico with a delegation consisting of seven comandantas, seven
commandantes and one subcomandante.

For their participation in this second stage the Sixth Commission of the
EZLN has established a sort of territorial distribution in zones and
regions. The different delegations of the Sixth Commission will spread out
throughout the entire country, during this year of 2007, to work jointly
with the organizations, groups, collectives, families and individuals
adhering to the Sixth Declaration.

Third: Simultaneously, in addition to their territorial distribution, the
Sixth Commission will have a special delegation that will participate
directly in the works undertaken by the compa~eros and compa~eras of the
National Indigenous Congress with the Indian peoples of Mexico.

A delegation from the Sixth Commission will also be present in the
international encampment "The Indigenous Peoples in Defense of Life, Culture
and Nature: Below and to the Left," in the territory of the indigenous
Cucupa' people in the community of El Mayor in Baja California, Mexico, in
the months of April and May of this year.

Fourth: This second stage will begin on March 25, 2007 and will start off
with the concentration of the delegates in the city of San Cristo'bal de Las
Casas, Chiapas. There, together with NGO's adherent to the Otra in Chiapas,
an international solidarity campaign with the Zapatista indigenous
communities and in defense of indigenous autonomy will be announced.

Afterwards they will set off to install the delegations of the Sixth
Commission to the National Indigenous Congress and the Northern Zone of
Mexico. These delegations will be working with the compa~eros and compa~eras
of the Otra in the states of that part of our country until the beginning of
June 2007. In the second half of the year, the delegations in the center and
southern zones of Mexico will be installed.

Fifth: A delegation of the Sixth Commission will also participate in the
mobilizations marking the first anniversary of the repression against the
noble people of Atenco, the Popular Front in Defense of the Land (FPDT) and
the Other Campaign, demanding the freedom of our compa~eros and compa~eras
prisoners in the prisons of Texcoco, Santiaguito and La Palma, which will
take place in several places of the other national and international
geography, on May 3, 4 and 5, 2007.

Sixth: In spite of the attacks, silences and contempt, the EZLN will carry
on with the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona, and, in doing so,



>From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
For the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General Command of
the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Sixth Commission of the EZLN

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

Mexico, March 2007

* * *
Translation by Dana

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