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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 21:18:33 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chiapas 95 Moderators <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mexico Pays Heavy Price for Imported Corn

John Burstein and Manuel Pe'rez Rocha | March 26, 2007

Editor: Emily Schwartz Greco, IPS

Mexico.s food production and distribution system faces a mounting crisis,
as the official statement released after recent talks between Presidents
George Bush and Felipe Caldero'n obliquely acknowledged. During their
meeting, the leaders agreed to form a binational working group on the
subject but rejected the option of revising the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA). Instead, they called for a .smoother transition. for
small-scale farmers, who comprise as much as one-fifth of the Mexican
population. .Yes, no, maybe so,. in other words. Rural poverty has to be
addressed and, politically speaking, it must be linked to immigration
reform, which is a pressing issue both within U.S. and between Mexico and
its northern neighbor.

Corn is at the heart of Mexico.s food crisis. Tortillas are crucial for
calories and even protein in the traditional Mexican diet. Therefore, it
was serious when the price of corn skyrocketed earlier this year, due in
part to increased U.S. demand for ethanol. The price of tortillas shot up
by between 40% and 100% in a single week. According to Vi'ctor Quintana, a
former lawmaker and leader of the Frente Democra'tico Campesino a peasant
organization in the Mexican northern state of Chihuahua, the fallout will
continue in the form of higher, prices of other basic foods like eggs,
milk and meat.
Tortilla Protests

Corn, the classic Mexican staple, is imbued with symbolic significance. In
Indigenous religious traditions, it is quite literally the equivalent of
God-given manna. Today, Mexicans depend on tortillas made from ground corn
as they did before the Spanish Conquest. Wheat in the form of bread may
have made heavy inroads into the diet of Mexico.s urban middle class. But
at the very least half of Mexico.s 100 million not just eats tortillas,
but relies on corn, together with beans, for up to half of their protein
intake. This is particularly true with children. It is hard to exaggerate
the importance of a drastic increase in the price of tortillas. It has
already provoked massive protest marches, and not surprisingly, of a
fervor akin to bread riots.

Let them eat cake. were the infamous words from the mouth of a French
queen who later lost her head. Caldero'n, who only recently assumed the
presidency, amid popular dissent over the legitimacy of his electoral win,
when the corn crisis broke. He was slow to act, never committed to
defending the regulated price of the staple, and eventually resorted to
jawbone-style negotiating with wholesalers and tortilla-sellers, urging
them not to gouge. The gentleman.s agreement that resulted capped the
tortilla prices at 8.5 pesos per kilogram and was only signed by some
5,000 out of Mexico.s more than 100,000 tortilla sellers. Caldero'n's head
is still attached to his body but the political furor is far from past.
Indeed, in mid-February milk and meat prices began to spike, because
Mexican cows are fed corn.

The wave of rising prices of staple foods is indicative of deep-running
currents in the economy and society. First, there is an abyss dividing the
productive and commercial sectors. This is not the United States, an all
but entirely urbanized and suburbanized nation, where farming is
mechanized and largely centralized in the hands of global capital, at the
same time that its production is subsidized by the government to the tune
of $30 billion annually. In Mexico, over 20% of the population still works
in agriculture. Government technical assistance, credit and all manner of
economic involvement in the primary sector were slashed more than a decade
ago. It was as though the sector were subjected to a line-item veto.
Indeed, this watershed change occurred through an executive decision,
taken by former President Carlos Salinas (1988-1994), still possible in
the days before Mexico threw out the long-standing official party, Partido
Revolucionario Institutional (PRI), in 2000.

The initiative to de-regulate agriculture went hand-in-hand with the
abandonment of the country.s commitment to agrarian reform. It came as
NAFTA joined, mostly subordinating, the Mexican to the North American
economies. True, the peasant . many also indigenous persons . population
dedicated to farming was protected by a 15-year transition period during
which the workers not globally competitive were to be drawn from the
countryside into maquiladora and other industry and services. Was 15 years
too short to uproot and replant millions of households? We.ll never know,
because, in draconian fashion, the Mexican government voluntarily lifted
early some tariffs on basic grains. Needless to say, the exodus from the
countryside actually did not stop at the border. Many uprooted Mexican
farmers entered U.S. territory as well as the U.S. economy.
Demise of Mom and Pop Tortillerias

There is a scandal involved in this hurried invasion of the domestic
multi-variety corn market by .cheaper. . industrialized, subsidized and
largely bio-technologized . grain from the Midwest in the United States.
The wholesale distribution system was privatized and sold to MASECA,
MINSA, Cargill and other corporations in a bid-shy rush masterminded by
Raul Salinas (the former president.s brother, who was recently released
from prison due to a drug-related conviction). The industrialization of
the industry followed quickly and inevitably. .Mom and Pop. tortilleri'as
closed, or left off using fresh corn-massnixtamal to take up
dried-powdered stuff, named after the brand of its owner, .Maseca,. a name
now as commonplace in Mexico as .Kleenex. is in U.S. parlance.

With the quality of pseudo-tortillas reduced to the lowest common
denominator shared with white sliced bread . Wonder-like, though hardly
wonderful . of the Grupo BIMBO, the two Mexican companies ate into the
middle-class market. Predictably then, the real revenue/yield ratio to
corn farmers fell, then fell further due to the corn market being flooded
by the U.S. product of rough equivalence. Profits are concentrated in the
industrial firms now in control of processing corn and much of the
marketing, which occurs increasingly through supermarket chains. Such is
the way that modern capitalism works.

Now with the prospect of rising corn prices, there should be chance for
Mexican corn farmers to improve profits. Unfortunately the market is now
structured in such a way that that improvement will be minimal, at best.
How is that possible? After all, the small farmers produce white corn
while the U.S. grain is mostly of the yellow variety, preferred for animal
feed. Consequently white corn has drawn a 10-15% premium, because it is
relatively scarce. But now in the Maseca-tortilla yellow corn can
substitute for some of the white, since the difference is hardly noticed
once the staple comes from industrialized flour.

In sum, by .efficiently. adopting an economy of scale in tortilla
production, the result was inevitably oligopoly. The significant profits,
as usual, accrued to the post-production phases of transformation of the
primary product and the marketing. Now that the industry is vertically
integrated . from flour to packaged tortilla . small farmers have been
left out of the corn market, and often have left their communities to be
undocumented workers in the United States.
Widespread Resentment

This transformation of corn, tortillas and farmers has seeded widespread
resentment. The basis of the country.s social pact, going back to the 1910
Mexican revolution, was a guarantee of land on the part of the State,
through an ambitious agrarian reform program, to those wanting to farm.
Additionally the terms of trade between country and city were made more
tolerable thanks to the oil profits monopolized in the 1930s for the
benefit of the nation. Today this deal would be called .food sovereignty..
Thus it is to add political insult to economic injury that the decision to
sacrifice food sovereignty to market efficiency has predominantly rewarded
a small number of highly capitalized companies. The Mexican minimum wage,
not even six dollars a day, rose slightly less than four per cent in early
2007, while staple food costs may well double this year.

Given the country.s political precariousness, the practices of hoarding
and speculation by agro-business are audacious. The run on corn and the
price hike on tortillas began in January, a month after Caldero'n assumed
office. A hair-breadth difference in the final tally of the 2006
presidential election led the leftist candidate of the Revolutionary
Democratic Party (PRD), Andre's Manuel Lo'pez Obrador, to call fraud and
assume independently the title of .Legitimate-President.. Now Bertha
Luja'n, who serves in his alternative cabinet as Labor secretary, has
forecasted a serious depression in domestic demand. Indeed, with wages
long having been indexed to inflation, workers. share of profits has
fallen far behind the rise in labor productivity.

Surely, the surging price of staple foods puts the lie to Caldero'n.s
inaugural commitment to implement a social policy of reconciliation in the
country and with the second-largest delegation in Congress, the Partido de
la Revolucio'n Democra'tica, PRD.
Better Alternatives

The domestic economy should be stimulated, instead of further squeezed. To
make matters worse, urgently needed, progressive fiscal reform is little
likelier now than it was during the six-year administration of Vicente
Fox, Caldero'n.s predecessor. Finally, it is an open question whether the
U.S. economy will continue growing at rates sufficient to maintain growth
in demand for a desperate Mexican labor force, or whether the U.S.
political environment will let it. Many signs point to a national
security-couched anti-immigrant retrenchment in the United States.

What then might the newly minted U.S.-Mexican .study group. ideally
recommend? A serious, integrated and coordinated policy reform. The
domestic Mexican market for staple foods should be protected to make up
for the time stolen from the Mexican farmers in the early NAFTA years and
take corn and beans, and other basic grains out of the discussion.
Meanwhile the United States should eliminate subsidies to an already
perfectly competitive industrial farm sector, now rewarded with increased
demand for ethanol production. Some part of the savings should be invested
in Mexican rural development, and some part for legal integration of the
10-million-plus undocumented Mexican workers in the country. Mexico should
adjust the minimum wage and make the fiscal reforms necessary to channel
higher revenues to labor, both as urban wages and as returns to
small-scale agriculture. The United States and Mexico must coordinate
their policymaking in the inter-related areas of trade, immigration and

In sum, when mass-produced at low price, a traditional food lost its high
quality. Small producers also lost their traditional market. Now, with the
price of that food rising, low-income non-agricultural workers are hit the
hardest and agribusiness is reaping huge profits. The Mexican tortilla
crisis makes us wonder how many times we will have to see the same movie
about agricultural globalization.

Manuel Pe'rez Rocha has worked for many years with Mexican and
international civil society organizations, including the Mexican Action
Network on Free Trade (RMALC) and currently lives in Washington DC. John
Burstein is President of FORO para el Desarrollo Sustentable, A.C., an
organization working on behalf of indigenous peoples in Chiapas, Mexico.
They are contributors to Foreign Policy In Focus.

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