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Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:08:45 -0500 (CDT)
From: dr.woooo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: En;zapagringo:networking of the world campaign for the defence of
    land and indigenous territory and autonomy

embedded links throughout at the link above

Rafael Alegri'a, a peasant leader from Honduras and the Coordinator of Vi'a
Campesina's Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform, joined the launch of the
Campaign in 
this year's World
Social Forum in Nairobi <>, Kenya by handing
over Zapatista
the African delegates.

I am again amazed by the power of networks...

While much of the US labor movement continues to flounder, the 3,000 almost
entirely immigrant farmworkers that make up the Coalition of Immokalee
Workers <> (CIW) have just followed up their
victory over the world's largest restaurant company, YUM! Brands (owner of
Taco Bell), with another victory over McDonald's...and are now aiming their
sites at Burger King.

The CIW has won these historic victories in large part due to its capacity
to build a rich web of alliances <> with
students, clergy, politicians, you name it...even the "official" labor
movement. They build horizontal and participatory relationships with other
forces, recognizing their unique strengths, struggles, desires and
creativity. This is not just consistent with a vision for a democratic
movement within which the most oppressed are self-empowered, but it is also
proving more effective at transforming the world for the better than the
pyramidal structures of "Big Labor"...

And the CIW is an
the Zapatistas' Sixth
Declaration of the Lacandon
Jungle<>meaning that they are
also connected to a Mexican movement called the
Other Campaign <>and
an "intergalactic" movement called the

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