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Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:45:55 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chiapas 95 Moderators <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NN,N.Davis,Another APPO member arrested,April 16

Another Member of APPO Arrested in the Continuing Struggle for Justice
"The Government Fabricates a Crime and Then Sells the Prisoner his
Freedom," Says the Bishop of Oaxaca About Actions of Government
By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
April 16, 2007
This report appears on the internet at
Another APPO member was grabbed on Saturday, April 14. He was with three
friends, one of whom was also captured. The two others escaped by jumping
into a car.

D.R. 2007 Nancy Davies
On Sunday April 15 I scouted around for info about David Venegas Reyes'
arrest, and was told that he was grabbed while crossing Llano Park by the
private police agents who are normally used to guard money transport,
banks, and such. The Policia Auxiliar, Bancaria, Industrial and Comercial
(Pabic) are not government employees, but private operatives, I would
guess without any official standing when it comes to making judicial
arrests. In Oaxaca so many different police corps exist that keeping track
is not easy, but the heavy duty ones are federal, less heavy the state,
below that the city, and below that lurk the private police. And then the
private thugs follow along. The official government police appear in plain
clothes for dirty work, or in heavy riot gear, or official uniforms with
the Mexican insignia on the shoulder. Amazing variety, and as far as I can
ascertain, all vicious until one gets down to the tourist cops, who are
mostly cute young women giving directions to the museums.

The Pabic claimed that Venegas and his friends were shouting insults,
obscenities and taunts at the occupants of a patrol car at the corner of
Juarez and Hidalgo, a corner which in fact does not exist. The insults are
highly unlikely because Venegas is not a kid. He's an APPO council member
and a member of the group VOCAL, whose political orientation is more or
less anarchist-pacifist. He is a council member because of being chosen by
his neighborhood barricade where he functioned as coordinator for the west
sector. In other words, Venegas is not a lightweight and not likely to be
out clowning around. Most APPO people are very cautious in public, for
good reasons. Repression is no joke.

The lawyer for the Mexican League for Human Rights (Limeddh) reported that
Venegas was beaten and abused for several hours but it is not clear in
whose hands he was at that time. He had probably already been turned over
to the ministerial police, who charged him with carrying 30 grams of
cocaine and two bags of heroin, a federal offense. Then I was told by his
friends, and I've yet to verify, that the charge was reduced to some
smaller quantity, a "possession" crime on the state level. His friends
doubt he would be carrying any drugs at all, especially since he knew a
warrant for his arrest as an APPO activist had been issued. So they just
got him.

D.R. 2007 Nancy Davies
On Sunday Venegas was located in Ixcotel prison, which is "good" news in
that he was out of the hands of the police who were beating him in order
to elicit info about the APPO, once again unverified info from his
companions and comrades on the street. But since he was located, reports
of his abuse were verified by the Limeddh human rights lawyer who attends
to hundreds of these cases.

The APPO, along with VOCAL, hastily put together an event for Sunday
afternoon at 4:00 in Llano Park to demand the release of prisoners,
including Venegas. A few hundred people attended it. The basic purpose was
a fundraiser for Venegas' bail, and once again the APPO was asking for a
kilometer of pesos, which means that people line up their peso bills on
the sidewalk. As a person put down his/her money, the crowd applauds. The
organizers also sold food and sodas, cakes, t-shirts, videos, photographs,
etcetera. The good news here is that bail had been set, indicating that
criminal charges were diminishing, one supposes for lack of evidence. The
bad news is that the real intent is to force the APPO to spend time, money
and energy on rescuing people - to take all the APPO's energy and
resources. As the bishop of Oaxaca was quoted on the Monday morning show
Contacto Directo of Radio Hit 1200 AM, "the government fabricates a crime
and then sells the prisoner his freedom."

After a couple of hours of rally (music, slogans, food) the protest march
set out with a hundred or so people carrying a LIBERTAD banner to Santa
Maria Ixcotel prison, where they shouted slogans so the prisoners, who
climbed the interior cell walls to look out, could hear. Reported in Las
Noticias, a spokesperson for the APPO, Ca'stulo Lopez Pacheco, said that
the arrest of the university student Venegas shows clearly that the
government intends to strike at the popular movement before it again
begins mobilizations and before state elections for deputies to the House.
"But," Lopez said, "they won't achieve that because in spite of the
imprisonment of many companions, the people have decided to continue in
the struggle."

While I was chatting with David Venegas' friends I took advantage of the
moment to ask about the split we've heard of within the APPO. I had been
concerned that the internal argument might be over tactics - violence or
no violence. Armed revolution. That stuff. But no, the APPO holds true to
its original non-violent guidelines. The issues focus around the upcoming
elections, to go political or not. The "punishment" vote is at the top of
the agenda, to destroy the PRI and PAN. "We're going to give another
lesson to the party of the tyrant (the governor Ulises Ruiz) and his
supporters," Lopez was quoted as saying.

D.R. 2007 Nancy Davies
The APPO voted in its last general assembly that to run for office, a
person first must leave the Council. For supporting external candidates,
there seems to be some trepidation regarding infiltration of PRI disguised
as PRD. However, the PRIistas are discovered pretty quickly and the
internal APPO split comes down to who's selling out for "power," that is,
connections to power, and those who are remaining true to the APPO's
original intentions.

One informant from CIPO-RFM told me he feared that the APPO would
disappear under all the pressure, fade away after, or even before, the
election. In my opinion that does not reckon sufficiently with civil
society, which is churning along every day with new complaints, forums,
meetings and calls for struggle. The newspaper Las Noticias (which hates
the governor) every single day says something negative about his
government, pointing out complaints relentlessly, ranging from massive
financial and political fraud to the installation of parking meters
without consultation. Since Noticias is out to get Ulises Ruiz, at a
certain point I read the endless list of faults and failures with a
giggle. Nevertheless, those privately owned parking meters are indeed a
disgrace, along with the gigantic flag cemented into Fortin Hill, broken
streets, contaminated water, schools in sheds, etcetera.

Go, Noticias! Some outrage to appeal to everybody is how I see their
strategy. Complaints against the governor to cut across all financial and
social classes. An easy enough task.

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