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From: "Sylvia Romo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UDW,Cucapa Zap Camp defends fishing rts,Apr 24
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:24:15 +0000

Upside Down World
Cucapa Zapatista Camp Defends Fishing Rights on Colorado River Delta
Written by Dan Bacher
Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Credit: Joel GarciaSince February 26 of this year, the Cucapa Tribe in El
Mayor, Baja California has organized an historic Zapatista peace camp to
defend their fishing rights against harassment and intimidation by the
Mexican government on the Colorado River Delta.

The idea for the camp originated during a visit by Subcomandante Marcos,
also known as "delegado zero" (delegate zero), who is the spokesman for the
EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation), to El Mayor during the
Zapatista "Otra Campa~a" (Other Campaign) in October 2006.

"We have decided to send an urgent message to the Mexicans and Chicanos
north of the Rio Grande to come in order to maximize the number of people
here, create a safe space, and protect the Cucapa and Kiliwa community
during the fishing season," said Marcos in announcing the initiation of the
camp after a meeting with the Cucapa and Kiliwa community leaders.

In February, the Cucapa community issued its call to action. "You are no
longer being asked to stand in solidarity with the indigenous people of
Mexico. Now you are being asked to stand to play an integral role in a
bi-national effort that will no longer consist of only resisting but also
helping these communities exist and live as they have for thousands of
years," said the tribe.

The 304 member Cucapa Tribe said the camp aimed to "help reestablish the
networks and relations that existed before borders separated families and
communities, and to help expose these atrocities to a world that has avoided
looking at the price of its excess, comfort and luxury."

Although the peace camp got off to a slow start, the momentum built in March
as the Cucapa and supporters constructed a fishing camp, secured buyers for
the fish (corvina), purchased a refrigerated trailer and netted fish in
defiance of federal fishing regulations that require permits in a "marine
protected area."

By the end of April, the camp had achieved its goals. "The camp is almost
over, but it has been extremely successful," explained Cesar Soriano from
the Banda Martes in Los Angeles. "The main goal of the Cucapa – to fish
without government harassment - was achieved."

"The camp also achieved its second goal, to organize direct support from
people from both sides of the border," said Soriano. At different points
during the camp, activists from Mexico City, Australia, El Salvador, and
American Indian nations, as well as from San Diego and Los Angeles, showed
their solidarity with the Cucapa. Many Zapatista solidarity groups from
throughout California and the Southwest organized fundraisers for the Cucapa

Subcomandante Marcos and 10 Comandantes from Chiapas were also welcomed by
the O'odham Tribe and friends in the state of Sonora while en route to the
Cucapa Camp in April.

"The Cucapa are doing the same thing they have been doing for 9,000 years,"
said Marcos, as quoted by Brenda Norrell in Narco News on April 11. "The
Cucapa and other Indian people called for this camp in defense of nature so
they can fish without detentions or being put in jail."

Caravans from Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland and other California cities
have gone to the camp to support the Cucapa when they fish during the high
tides. While some accompanied the fishermen and fisherwomen on their boats,
the others stayed on shore to watch out for federal soliders coming to cite
or harass the Cucapa. The last high tide that the Cucapa will fish during
will be from May 10-May 16, 2007.

For over thousands of years, the Cucapa people lived on land surrounding the
Colorado River and its Delta where it empties into the Sea of Cortez. The
tribe, in what is now the southwestern United States and north end of Baja
California, lived off harvesting the native fish and plants of the river and

However, fish catches by the Cucapa and other tribes plummeted in recent
decades as agribusiness in California and Arizona and thirsty Southern
California cities diverted the entire flow of the Colorado without regard
for the indigenous people below the U.S.-Mexico border. With only a trickle
of the river ever reaching the once fertile Delta, catches of corvina,
totuava (a giant seabass like fish that is now protected) and other species
of fish declined dramatically.

Rather than addressing the problems of massive water diversions and fishing
by corporate commercial fishing fleets that caused the fishery and ecosystem
to decline, the Mexican government, under urging by corporate-funded U.S.
conservation groups like Conservation International and the World Wildlife
Fund, declared the traditional area of the Cucapa and Kiliwa people "an
ecological reserve."

They transformed the waters that for thousands of years sustained indigenous
people into the "Biosphere Reserve of the Upper Gulf of California" on June,
10, 1993, because it was "in the public interest," according to the
government's National Commission of Protected Natural Areas website.

"The website also noted that 77 percent of the people who live and around
the reserve rely on fishing for their livelihoods, so it is unclear which
public interest the fishing ban in the protected area serves," writes
journalist Kristin Bricker, in the October 22 Narco News Bulletin.

According to Bricker, "The problem isn't that the Cucapa and Killiwa don't
want to preserve endangered fish and dolphins. They point out that it is in
their very best interest to protect the species they rely upon for their
livelihood and they want very much to be custodians of the river and its
fish as they have for generations."

Hilda Hurtado Valenzuela, the secretary of the Cucapa fishing cooperative,
stressed that the Cucapa was not responsible for the overfishing, even
though they bear the brunt of its consequences.

Armed federal soldiers (federales) have patrolled the reserve and accosted
the fishermen since the marine protected area was established. In October,
the community had approximately thirty outstanding warrants for "illegal"
fishing in their attempt to survive, practicing the same traditions as their

Hopefully, the success of this camp will send a strong message to the
Mexican government and U.S. "conservation" groups that so called
"bio-reserves" and "marine protected areas" cannot be imposed upon
indigenous people and other family fishermen without resistance.

The problems that the Cucapa Tribe faces in Mexico parallel the situation in
California where well funded "conservation" groups, in collusion with a
Republican Governor, are attempting to kick recreational anglers and family
commercial fishermen off the water through the institution of "marine
protected areas," even though massive de-facto reserves and some of the
strictest fishing regulations in the world are already in place.

The "marine protected areas" constitute a major case of "green washing"
where the main problems responsible for fishery declines in California -
habitat destruction, water quality decline and global warming – are avoided
because to address these problems would require dealing with major corporate
interests responsible for fishery declines.

Just like the Cucapa and other tribes have been completely excluded by
"conservation" groups and Mexican government from any input into the
institution of the bioreserves, the California Indian tribes have to date
been completely excluded from a privately funded "stakeholders" process to
push through the MLPA (Marine Life Protection Act) initiative.

And just like the ecosystem of the Colorado River Delta has been destroyed
by water diversions and pollution, the California Delta, a nursery
sustaining a wide variety of species along the California Coast, is
threatened by a food chain collapse caused by massive increases in water
diversions by the state and federal governments.

For more information about the Cucapa Camp go to

Dan Bacher can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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