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From: "Dana Aldea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NN,A Phantom in Northeast Mexico - Zapatismo,Apr 25
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:27:09 +0200

A Phantom in Northeast Mexico: Zapatismo
Year 22 of the Struggle and 13 of the War Against Obscurity and Lying

Originally published April 25 in Spanish

By Alejandro de la Torre
Dossier Poli'tico
April 29, 2007

At the moment, ten EZLN commanders find themselves in three states in
northeast Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora.

You read it right - ten commanders, five indigenous women and five
indigenous men, of the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee -
General Command of the EZLN, the same who, after long consultations with
thousands of insurgents and zapatista bases, gave the order January 1, 1994
to start the war against the national government until overthrown, then
headed by Carlos Salinas de Gortari. It was the first Declaration of the
Lacandona Jungle.

>From that point the indigenous movement started to gain national and
international respect, becoming the vanguard of the fight in defence of
humanity and against the neoliberalism that threatens the very existence of
the earth.

In Mexico, with the zapatista struggle and the Mexican people, the system
has been forced to change laws and, although the neoliberal model hasn't
changed, the power structure that benefits a despotic oligarchy headed by
multimillionaire monopolies (Carso, Cemex, Televisa, Gruma, etc.) is at risk
of being destroyed and replaced.

Despite all this, the television, radio, and print media in Baja California
and in Sonora, totally in the service of economic and political power, have
created an information siege instead of carrying out their duty to report on
the problems of indigenous communities, dispossession and destruction of
natural resources. They have lent themselves to the degrading and diverting
of information against these.

Comandante David, Comandante Tacho, Comandanta Susana, Comandanta Yolanda,
Comandanta Sandra, Comandante Emiliano, Comandanta Eucaria, Comandanta
Kelly, Comandante Eduardo, Comandanta Dalia, Comandante Guillermo and
Subcomandante Marcos are coming as delegates of the Sixth Declaration of the
Lacandon Jungle issued in June 2005, now in it's second phase. In the first
phase Delegate Zero (Marcos) was sent across the country to listen to the
pains and struggles of the Mexican people, taking the word of the EZLN and
of the anticapitalist movement formed by leftist political and civil

This excersize in struggle is called The Other Campaign. It's objective is
to build a national program of struggle from which the poor, indigenous,
campesinos and workers demand social justice. They push for the struggle for
human rights of men, women, children and those of the sectors marginalised
by capitalism. And to build another Mexico, another Sonora, another future.

In this second phase of The Other Campaign the delegates of The Sixth
Commission will work with indigenous communities and with rural and urban
communities in north Mexico until May 2007, generating an organisation for
struggle and unity along with the center and south of the country.

It is a pacifist and civil fight in Sonora and Baja California involving
members of the Cucapa's, Kilihuas, Pa'pagos, Od'ham, Yaquis, Mayos and Pimas
indigenous people, along with campesinos, workers, university students,
women, migrants, intellectuals, etc.

The work started in the Cucapa' community El Mayor, where the government has
prevented the indigenous from fishing corvina; in April 2005 the army
confiscated their fishing materials and stripped them of fishing permits.

In Sonora dispossession against Seris, Yaquis, Mayos and Pimas is the order
of the day. The state government plans to sell the Gulf of California
seaboard, including Isla del Tiburo'n. to national and foreign millionaires.
Meanwhile some Yaqui heads are receiving government help in the meantime,
and the great majority of Yoeme suffer hunger and malnutrition.
Dispossession from large land acquisitions against indigenous Mayans and
repression of the Pima community together are demonstrations of the high
level of marginalization of more than a million people in rural towns and
popular neighbourhoods where they earn less than two days minimum wage a
week, while businesses in the capitalist regions grow fat, as the area is
fertile terrain for tourist, industrial and transnational investment.

These are sufficient elements to justify the presence of the Zapatista
command in the region that will unite with the Sonoran defiance, identity
and progress and not what the rich pride themselves on which are fallacies
and lies.

The Sixth Commission arrived with us, The Other Campaign committee in
Cajeme, last Saturday April 7, on it's way to El Mayor in Mexicali. We
welcomed them as brothers and took care of lodging and security for about
fifteen comrades. The commanders, people with great dignity and humility,
said goodbye with such gratitude that it will remain in our memories and

The Other Campaign will bear fruit in the conscience of the Sonora people
and we will have them soon.

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