
On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:44:24 +0100 Peter Bex <peter....@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 07:58:02AM +0100, Florian Zumbiehl wrote:
>> Remove ##sys#expand-home-path as shell expansion has no place in a filesystem
>> API.
> I've moved the ~ behaviour to a new procedure in "utils" called "ep" and
> updated the NEWS file and docs.
> The signed off patch is attached.
> I'm not 100% sure how to handle this, as it's a backwards-incompatible
> change.  Pushing it as-is could possibly cause breakage in existing
> programs, but it will also fix programs that don't knowingly rely on
> this behaviour.
> BTW: This behaviour isn't really compatible with the shell's, since it
> disallows strings formatted like ~username from being expanded to that
> user's homedir.  The shell would expand ~ to the current user's homedir
> only in a string where it's immediately succeeded by a slash, like ~/foo.
> This will now expand to the current user's homedir with foo pasted at
> the end, like "/home/peterfoo".  I don't know if this is a bug or
> intended behaviour, so I kept it the way it was before.

Thanks.  Attached is the patch amended with the following changes:

- Manual: remove "Pathnames expansion" section from the "Extensions to
  the standard" chapter

- Remove some trailing whitespaces from the new code

- Mention ep in the commit log

- Fix tests that check the ~-expansion

I haven't pushed this patch, since we don't have a consensus on how to
handle this issue and since it is possible that the fix for it will
cause some breakage.  So, I'm afraid we should file a change request.

Here is a summary of options I've collected from this thread:

a. Keep ##sys#expand-home-path, but remove the environment variable
   expansion.  Keep the ~-expansion.

b. Drop ##sys#expand-home-path.  Do not implicitly expand ~ and
   environment variables in pathnames.  Provide a procedure to expand ~
   in pathnames.  That's what this patch implements.

c. Drop ##sys#expand-home-path.  Do not implicitly expand ~ and
   environment variables in pathnames.  Provide an egg to implement the
   old behavior of the procedures from the filesystem API.

Any other relevant options?

If you think a CR is required, I can create one.

Best wishes.
>From 1649e7f4a35cbd5a211380e7241b2ac9b0fb9dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Zumbiehl <fl...@florz.de>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 07:58:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove ##sys#expand-home-path.

Remove ##sys#expand-home-path as shell expansion has no place in a filesystem

Add a new procedure (ep) to expand ~ to the user home directory if it
is the first character of the given pathname.  Differently
from ##sys#expand-home-path, ep doesn't expand environment variables
when pathnames start with $ and is not implicitly called from the
filesystem-related procedures.

Signed-off-by: Peter Bex <peter....@xs4all.nl>
Signed-off-by: Mario Domenech Goulart <mario.goul...@gmail.com>
 NEWS                              |    3 +
 eval.scm                          |    2 -
 files.scm                         |   14 ++---
 library.scm                       |  123 ++++++++++++-------------------------
 manual/Extensions to the standard |    6 --
 manual/Unit utils                 |   13 ++++
 posix-common.scm                  |   35 +++++------
 posixunix.scm                     |   45 +++++++-------
 posixwin.scm                      |   12 ++--
 tests/path-tests.scm              |    9 +--
 utils.scm                         |   12 ++++
 11 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index c2d16fb..bfb7a6e 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 - Security fixes
   - ./.csirc is no longer loaded from the current directory upon startup of csi,
     which could lead to untrusted code execution. (thanks to Florian Zumbiehl)
+  - Path operations no longer implicitly expand ~ and shell variables at the
+     start of a string.  ~-expansion can now be done explicitly through a
+     new "EP" procedure from unit utils. (thanks to Florian Zumbiehl)
 - Tools
   - csc: added "-oi"/"-ot" options as alternatives to "-emit-inline-file"
diff --git a/eval.scm b/eval.scm
index 62227cd..e92d6f7 100644
--- a/eval.scm
+++ b/eval.scm
@@ -940,8 +940,6 @@
     (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'load "bad argument type - not a port or string" x) )
   (set! ##sys#load 
     (lambda (input evaluator pf #!optional timer printer)
-      (when (string? input) 
-	(set! input (##sys#expand-home-path input)) )
       (let* ((fname 
 	      (cond [(port? input) #f]
 		    [(not (string? input)) (badfile input)]
diff --git a/files.scm b/files.scm
index 7398350..cb58000 100644
--- a/files.scm
+++ b/files.scm
@@ -383,14 +383,12 @@ EOF
 			    (display p out) )
 			  (cdr parts))
 			 (when (fx= i prev) (##sys#write-char-0 sep out))
-			 (let* ((r1 (get-output-string out))
-				(r (##sys#expand-home-path r1)))
-			   (when (string=? r1 r)
-			     (when abspath 
-			       (set! r (##sys#string-append (string sep) r)))
-			     (when drive
-			       (set! r (##sys#string-append drive r))))
-			   r))))
+			 (let ((r (get-output-string out)))
+                           (when abspath
+                             (set! r (##sys#string-append (string sep) r)))
+                           (when drive
+                             (set! r (##sys#string-append drive r)))
+                           r))))
 		  ((*char-pds? (string-ref path i))
 		   (when (and (null? parts) (fx= i prev))
 		     (set! abspath #t))
diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index 5a2862e..3040a1d 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -1934,30 +1934,6 @@ EOF
 		name) )
 	  name) ) ) )
-(define (##sys#pathname-resolution name thunk . _)
-  (thunk (##sys#expand-home-path name)) )
-(define ##sys#expand-home-path
-  (lambda (path)
-    (let ((len (##sys#size path)))
-      (if (fx> len 0)
-	  (case (##core#inline "C_subchar" path 0)
-	    ((#\~) 
-	     (let ((rest (##sys#substring path 1 len)))
-	       (##sys#string-append (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") "") rest) ) )
-	    ((#\$) 
-	     (let loop ((i 1))
-	       (if (fx>= i len)
-		   path
-		   (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" path i)))
-		     (if (or (eq? c #\/) (eq? c #\\))
-			 (##sys#string-append
-			  (or (get-environment-variable (##sys#substring path 1 i)) "")
-			  (##sys#substring path i len))
-			 (loop (fx+ i 1)) ) ) ) ) )
-	    (else path) )
-	  "") ) ) )
 (define open-input-file)
 (define open-output-file)
 (define close-input-port)
@@ -1967,28 +1943,24 @@ EOF
   (define (open name inp modes loc)
     (##sys#check-string name loc)
-    (##sys#pathname-resolution
-     name
-     (lambda (name)
-       (let ([fmode (if inp "r" "w")]
-	     [bmode ""] )
-	 (do ([modes modes (##sys#slot modes 1)])
-	     ((null? modes))
-	   (let ([o (##sys#slot modes 0)])
-	     (case o
-	       [(#:binary) (set! bmode "b")]
-	       [(#:text) (set! bmode "")]
-	       [(#:append) 
-		(if inp
-		    (##sys#error loc "cannot use append mode with input file")
-		    (set! fmode "a") ) ]
-	       [else (##sys#error loc "invalid file option" o)] ) ) )
-	 (let ([port (##sys#make-port inp ##sys#stream-port-class name 'stream)])
-	   (unless (##sys#open-file-port port name (##sys#string-append fmode bmode))
-	     (##sys#update-errno)
-	     (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error loc (##sys#string-append "cannot open file - " strerror) name) )
-	   port) ) )
-     #:open (not inp) modes) )
+    (let ([fmode (if inp "r" "w")]
+          [bmode ""] )
+      (do ([modes modes (##sys#slot modes 1)])
+        ((null? modes))
+        (let ([o (##sys#slot modes 0)])
+          (case o
+            [(#:binary) (set! bmode "b")]
+            [(#:text) (set! bmode "")]
+            [(#:append) 
+             (if inp
+               (##sys#error loc "cannot use append mode with input file")
+               (set! fmode "a") ) ]
+            [else (##sys#error loc "invalid file option" o)] ) ) )
+      (let ([port (##sys#make-port inp ##sys#stream-port-class name 'stream)])
+        (unless (##sys#open-file-port port name (##sys#string-append fmode bmode))
+          (##sys#update-errno)
+          (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error loc (##sys#string-append "cannot open file - " strerror) name) )
+        port) ) )
   (define (close port loc)
     (##sys#check-port port loc)
@@ -2058,25 +2030,17 @@ EOF
 (define (file-exists? name)
   (##sys#check-string name 'file-exists?)
-  (##sys#pathname-resolution
-    name
-    (lambda (name)
-      (and (##sys#file-exists? 
-	    (##sys#platform-fixup-pathname name) 
-	    #f #f 'file-exists?) 
-	   name) )
-    #:exists?) )
+  (and (##sys#file-exists?
+        (##sys#platform-fixup-pathname name)
+        #f #f 'file-exists?)
+       name) )
 (define (directory-exists? name)
   (##sys#check-string name 'directory-exists?)
-  (##sys#pathname-resolution
-   name
-   (lambda (name)
-     (and (##sys#file-exists?
-	   (##sys#platform-fixup-pathname name)
-	   #f #t 'directory-exists?)
-	  name) )
-   #:exists?) )
+  (and (##sys#file-exists?
+        (##sys#platform-fixup-pathname name)
+        #f #t 'directory-exists?)
+       name) )
 (define (##sys#flush-output port)
   ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 5) port) ; flush-output
@@ -2107,33 +2071,22 @@ EOF
 (define (delete-file filename)
   (##sys#check-string filename 'delete-file)
-  (##sys#pathname-resolution
-   filename
-   (lambda (filename)
-     (unless (eq? 0 (##core#inline "C_delete_file" (##sys#make-c-string filename 'delete-file)))
-       (##sys#update-errno)
-       (##sys#signal-hook
-	#:file-error 'delete-file
-	(##sys#string-append "cannot delete file - " strerror) filename) )
-     filename)
-   #:delete) )
+  (unless (eq? 0 (##core#inline "C_delete_file" (##sys#make-c-string filename 'delete-file)))
+    (##sys#update-errno)
+    (##sys#signal-hook
+     #:file-error 'delete-file
+     (##sys#string-append "cannot delete file - " strerror) filename) )
+  filename)
 (define (rename-file old new)
   (##sys#check-string old 'rename-file)
   (##sys#check-string new 'rename-file)
-  (##sys#pathname-resolution
-   old
-   (lambda (old)
-     (##sys#pathname-resolution
-      new
-      (lambda (new)
-	(unless (eq? 0 (##core#inline "C_rename_file" (##sys#make-c-string old 'rename-file) (##sys#make-c-string new)))
-	  (##sys#update-errno)
-	  (##sys#signal-hook
-	   #:file-error 'rename-file
-	   (##sys#string-append "cannot rename file - " strerror) old new) )
-	new)))
-   #:rename new) )
+  (unless (eq? 0 (##core#inline "C_rename_file" (##sys#make-c-string old 'rename-file) (##sys#make-c-string new)))
+    (##sys#update-errno)
+    (##sys#signal-hook
+     #:file-error 'rename-file
+     (##sys#string-append "cannot rename file - " strerror) old new) )
+  new)
 ;;; Decorate procedure with arbitrary data
diff --git a/manual/Extensions to the standard b/manual/Extensions to the standard
index 45fd3ea..4cc34df 100644
--- a/manual/Extensions to the standard	
+++ b/manual/Extensions to the standard	
@@ -186,12 +186,6 @@ an optional 2nd parameter: if not {{#f}} (which is the default),
 toplevel bindings to standard procedures are mutable and new toplevel
 bindings may be introduced.
-=== Pathnames expansion
-The ''tilde'' character ({{~}}) is automatically expanded in pathnames.
-Additionally, if a pathname starts with {{$VARIABLE...}}, then the prefix is replaced
-by the value of the given environment variable.
 === Optional arguments for port-related procedures
 If the procedures {{current-input-port}} and
diff --git a/manual/Unit utils b/manual/Unit utils
index 8c1df37..7109988 100644
--- a/manual/Unit utils	
+++ b/manual/Unit utils	
@@ -47,6 +47,19 @@ characters that would have a special meaning to the shell are escaped
 using backslash ({{\}}).
+=== Directory expansion
+==== ep
+<procedure>(ep PATH)</procedure>
+Expands an optional leading {{~}} character in {{PATH}} to the value
+of the {{HOME}} environment variable.  If {{$HOME}} is not set, it
+will be expanded to the empty string.  This exist since Chicken 4.8.2,
+as a convenience method to emulate earlier implicit behaviour of all
+path procedures.
 === Dynamic compilation
 ==== compile-file
diff --git a/posix-common.scm b/posix-common.scm
index 1f7c4b3..f523a07 100644
--- a/posix-common.scm
+++ b/posix-common.scm
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ EOF
                  ((string? file)
                   (let ((path (##sys#make-c-string
-				(##sys#expand-home-path file))
+                                file)
 		    (if link
 			(##core#inline "C_lstat" path)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ EOF
    (lambda (f t)
      (##sys#check-number t 'set-file-modification-time)
      (let ((r ((foreign-lambda int "set_file_mtime" c-string scheme-object)
-	       (##sys#expand-home-path f) t)))
+	       f t)))
        (when (fx< r 0)
 	  #:file-error 'set-file-modification-time
@@ -323,21 +323,20 @@ EOF
 	(unless (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_rmdir" sname))
 	  (posix-error #:file-error 'delete-directory "cannot delete directory" dir) )))
     (##sys#check-string name 'delete-directory)
-    (let ((name (##sys#expand-home-path name)))
-      (if recursive
-	  (let ((files (find-files ; relies on `find-files' to list dir-contents before dir
-			name 
-			dotfiles: #t
-			follow-symlinks: #f)))
-	    (for-each
-	     (lambda (f)
-	       ((cond ((symbolic-link? f) delete-file)
-		      ((directory? f) rmdir)
-		      (else delete-file))
-		f))
-	     files)
-	    (rmdir name))
-	  (rmdir name)))))
+    (if recursive
+      (let ((files (find-files ; relies on `find-files' to list dir-contents before dir
+                     name
+                     dotfiles: #t
+                     follow-symlinks: #f)))
+        (for-each
+          (lambda (f)
+            ((cond ((symbolic-link? f) delete-file)
+                   ((directory? f) rmdir)
+                   (else delete-file))
+             f))
+          files)
+        (rmdir name))
+      (rmdir name))))
 (define directory
   (lambda (#!optional (spec (current-directory)) show-dotfiles?)
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ EOF
 	  [entry (##sys#make-pointer)] )
-       (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path spec) 'directory) handle)
+       (##sys#make-c-string spec 'directory) handle)
       (if (##sys#null-pointer? handle)
 	  (posix-error #:file-error 'directory "cannot open directory" spec)
 	  (let loop ()
diff --git a/posixunix.scm b/posixunix.scm
index 6d1fe51..e35f919 100644
--- a/posixunix.scm
+++ b/posixunix.scm
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ EOF
         (##sys#check-string filename 'file-open)
         (##sys#check-exact flags 'file-open)
         (##sys#check-exact mode 'file-open)
-        (let ([fd (##core#inline "C_open" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) 'file-open) flags mode)])
+        (let ([fd (##core#inline "C_open" (##sys#make-c-string filename 'file-open) flags mode)])
           (when (eq? -1 fd)
             (posix-error #:file-error 'file-open "cannot open file" filename flags mode) )
           fd) ) ) ) )
@@ -765,22 +765,21 @@ EOF
 (define create-directory
   (lambda (name #!optional parents?)
     (##sys#check-string name 'create-directory)
-    (let ((name (##sys#expand-home-path name)))
-      (unless (or (fx= 0 (##sys#size name))
-		  (file-exists? name))
-	(if parents?
-	    (let loop ((dir (let-values (((dir file ext) (decompose-pathname name)))
-			      (if file (make-pathname dir file ext) dir))))
-	      (when (and dir (not (directory? dir)))
-		(loop (pathname-directory dir))
-		(*create-directory 'create-directory dir)) )
-	    (*create-directory 'create-directory name) ) )
-      name)))
+    (unless (or (fx= 0 (##sys#size name))
+                (file-exists? name))
+      (if parents?
+        (let loop ((dir (let-values (((dir file ext) (decompose-pathname name)))
+                          (if file (make-pathname dir file ext) dir))))
+          (when (and dir (not (directory? dir)))
+            (loop (pathname-directory dir))
+            (*create-directory 'create-directory dir)) )
+        (*create-directory 'create-directory name) ) )
+    name))
 (define change-directory
   (lambda (name)
     (##sys#check-string name 'change-directory)
-    (let ((sname (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path name) 'change-directory)))
+    (let ((sname (##sys#make-c-string name 'change-directory)))
       (unless (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_chdir" sname))
 	(posix-error #:file-error 'change-directory "cannot change current directory" name) )
@@ -1205,7 +1204,7 @@ EOF
   (lambda (fname m)
     (##sys#check-string fname 'change-file-mode)
     (##sys#check-exact m 'change-file-mode)
-    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chmod" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'change-file-mode) m) 0)
+    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chmod" (##sys#make-c-string fname 'change-file-mode) m) 0)
       (posix-error #:file-error 'change-file-mode "cannot change file mode" fname m) ) ) )
 (define change-file-owner
@@ -1213,7 +1212,7 @@ EOF
     (##sys#check-string fn 'change-file-owner)
     (##sys#check-exact uid 'change-file-owner)
     (##sys#check-exact gid 'change-file-owner)
-    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chown" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fn) 'change-file-owner) uid gid) 0)
+    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chown" (##sys#make-c-string fn 'change-file-owner) uid gid) 0)
       (posix-error #:file-error 'change-file-owner "cannot change file owner" fn uid gid) ) ) )
 (define-foreign-variable _r_ok int "R_OK")
@@ -1223,7 +1222,7 @@ EOF
 (let ()
   (define (check filename acc loc)
     (##sys#check-string filename loc)
-    (let ([r (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_test_access" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) loc) acc))])
+    (let ([r (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_test_access" (##sys#make-c-string filename loc) acc))])
       (unless r (##sys#update-errno))
       r) )
   (set! file-read-access? (lambda (filename) (check filename _r_ok 'file-read-access?)))
@@ -1263,8 +1262,8 @@ EOF
     (##sys#check-string new 'create-symbolic-link)
     (when (fx< (##core#inline
-              (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path old) 'create-symbolic-link)
-              (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path new) 'create-symbolic-link) )
+              (##sys#make-c-string old 'create-symbolic-link)
+              (##sys#make-c-string new 'create-symbolic-link) )
       (posix-error #:file-error 'create-symbol-link "cannot create symbolic link" old new) ) ) )
@@ -1276,7 +1275,7 @@ EOF
       (##sys#check-string fname 'read-symbolic-link)
       (let ((len (##core#inline 
-		  (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'read-symbolic-link) buf)))
+		  (##sys#make-c-string fname 'read-symbolic-link) buf)))
 	(if (fx< len 0)
 	    (if canonicalize
@@ -1479,7 +1478,7 @@ EOF
 (define file-truncate
   (lambda (fname off)
     (##sys#check-number off 'file-truncate)
-    (when (fx< (cond [(string? fname) (##core#inline "C_truncate" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'file-truncate) off)]
+    (when (fx< (cond [(string? fname) (##core#inline "C_truncate" (##sys#make-c-string fname 'file-truncate) off)]
 		     [(fixnum? fname) (##core#inline "C_ftruncate" fname off)]
 		     [else (##sys#error 'file-truncate "invalid file" fname)] )
@@ -1538,7 +1537,7 @@ EOF
     (##sys#check-string fname 'create-fifo)
     (let ([mode (if (pair? mode) (car mode) (fxior _s_irwxu (fxior _s_irwxg _s_irwxo)))])
       (##sys#check-exact mode 'create-fifo)
-      (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_mkfifo" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'create-fifo) mode) 0)
+      (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_mkfifo" (##sys#make-c-string fname 'create-fifo) mode) 0)
       (posix-error #:file-error 'create-fifo "cannot create FIFO" fname mode) ) ) ) )
 (define fifo?
@@ -1546,7 +1545,7 @@ EOF
     (##sys#check-string filename 'fifo?)
     (case (##core#inline 
-	   (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) 'fifo?))
+	   (##sys#make-c-string filename 'fifo?))
       ((#t) #t)
       ((#f) #f)
       ((0) (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'fifo? "file does not exist" filename) )
@@ -1797,7 +1796,7 @@ EOF
                (let ([s (car el)])
                  (##sys#check-string s 'process-execute)
                  (setenv i s (##sys#size s)) ) ) )
-           (let* ([prg (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) 'process-execute)]
+           (let* ([prg (##sys#make-c-string filename 'process-execute)]
                   [r (if envlist
                          (##core#inline "C_execve" prg)
                          (##core#inline "C_execvp" prg) )] )
diff --git a/posixwin.scm b/posixwin.scm
index d2cc927..86515be 100644
--- a/posixwin.scm
+++ b/posixwin.scm
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ EOF
 	(##sys#check-string filename 'file-open)
 	(##sys#check-exact flags 'file-open)
 	(##sys#check-exact mode 'file-open)
-	(let ([fd (##core#inline "C_open" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) 'file-open) flags mode)])
+	(let ([fd (##core#inline "C_open" (##sys#make-c-string filename 'file-open) flags mode)])
 	  (when (eq? -1 fd)
 	    (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-open "cannot open file" filename flags mode) )
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ EOF
 (define create-directory
   (lambda (name #!optional parents?)
     (##sys#check-string name 'create-directory)
-    (let ((name (##sys#expand-home-path name)))
+    (let ((name name))
       (if parents?
           (create-directory-helper-parents name)
           (create-directory-helper name))
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ EOF
 (define change-directory
   (lambda (name)
     (##sys#check-string name 'change-directory)
-    (let ((sname (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path name) 'change-directory)))
+    (let ((sname (##sys#make-c-string name 'change-directory)))
       (unless (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_chdir" sname))
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ EOF
   (lambda (fname m)
     (##sys#check-string fname 'change-file-mode)
     (##sys#check-exact m 'change-file-mode)
-    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chmod" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'change-file-mode) m) 0)
+    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_chmod" (##sys#make-c-string fname 'change-file-mode) m) 0)
       (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'change-file-mode "cannot change file mode" fname m) ) ) )
@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ EOF
 (let ()
   (define (check filename acc loc)
     (##sys#check-string filename loc)
-    (let ([r (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_test_access" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) loc) acc))])
+    (let ([r (fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_test_access" (##sys#make-c-string filename loc) acc))])
       (unless r (##sys#update-errno))
       r) )
   (set! file-read-access? (lambda (filename) (check filename _r_ok 'file-read-access?)))
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ EOF
       (build-exec-argvec loc (and arglst ($quote-args-list arglst exactf)) setarg 1)
       (build-exec-argvec loc envlst setenv 0)
       (##core#inline "C_flushall")
-      (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path filename) loc) ) ) )
+      (##sys#make-c-string filename loc) ) ) )
 (define ($exec-teardown loc msg filename res)
diff --git a/tests/path-tests.scm b/tests/path-tests.scm
index 6b9fc45..045d1f9 100644
--- a/tests/path-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/path-tests.scm
@@ -52,12 +52,9 @@
 (test "../../foo" (normalize-pathname "../../foo" 'unix))
 (test "c:\\." (normalize-pathname "c:\\" 'windows))
-(define home (get-environment-variable "HOME"))
-(when home
-  (test (string-append home "/foo") (normalize-pathname "~/foo" 'unix))
-  (test "c:~/foo" (normalize-pathname "c:~/foo" 'unix))
-  (test (string-append home "\\foo") (normalize-pathname "c:~\\foo" 'windows)))
+(test "~/foo" (normalize-pathname "~/foo" 'unix))
+(test "c:~/foo" (normalize-pathname "c:~/foo" 'unix))
+(test "c:~\\foo" (normalize-pathname "c:~\\foo" 'windows))
 (assert (directory-null? "/.//"))
 (assert (directory-null? ""))
diff --git a/utils.scm b/utils.scm
index 715219d..9e26757 100644
--- a/utils.scm
+++ b/utils.scm
@@ -75,6 +75,18 @@
 	       (string->list str)))))))
+;;; Expand pathnames for home directory
+(define (ep path)
+  (let ((len (##sys#size path)))
+    (if (fx> len 0)
+	(case (##core#inline "C_subchar" path 0)
+	  ((#\~)
+	   (let ((rest (##sys#substring path 1 len)))
+	     (##sys#string-append (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") "") rest) ) )
+	  (else path) )
+	"") ) )
 ;;; Compile and load file
 (define compile-file-options (make-parameter '("-O2" "-d2")))

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