On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 12:32:40PM -0600, Erik Falor wrote:
> * In other news, I'm making (slow) progress in getting `make check` to
>   work.  I was finally able to solve the problem with the 'private
>   repository' test by letting AIX use the vanilla branch of Unix code in
>   chicken.h's C_path_to_executable().  I tried a few platform-specific
>   methods of determining that information, but it seems that AIX's /proc
>   just doesn't keep track of the full path of a running image.
> * `make check` now fails on the final "deployment tests" in runtests.sh,
>   which I'm working on now.
>   The final test builds a little program called rev-app/rev-app under
>   the tests/ directory.  That program fails to run because it cannot
>   find libchicken.so.

This is great news.  You're making good progress.

> * I also figured out what I did wrong in Makefile.aix that led me to
>   hardcoding AIX-specific linker flags into csc.scm.  I didn't specify
>   a value for the Make variable LINKER_OPTIONS, so that info wasn't
>   propagated into the csc program.

I'm still not sure how this is supposed to work :)

> * While inspecting the code I put into Makefile.aix, I went through
>   all of the #defines that are echoed into chicken-config.h, making
>   sure that they are correct for my platform.  I notice that while
>   these macros are present in chicken-config.h, they don't seem to be
>   referenced by Chicken itself.  Are they there as insurance against
>   the future, or are they leftover cruft from versions gone by?

Most of them should be referenced, but maybe there's some historical
cruft.  We should probably cull these at some point.


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