
Peter Bex <peter....@xs4all.nl> writes:
> I decided to take another look at the GC in an attempt to
> understand it better, and found yet another iffy line of code:
> When comparing the heap growth to the current heap size plus
> the stack size, two unsigned quantities are subtracted from
> eachother (size is a C_uword parameter to C_rereclaim2,
> heap_size is a size_t, which is also unsigned), and then
> compared to be less than stack_size * 2.
> If the heap is not growing, but shrinking, this unsigned
> subtraction will underflow and cause it to result in a
> huge value.  This happens to work, but I think the attached
> patch makes it more explicit what's really happening: it
> only does the subtraction and comparison when the new size
> is bigger than the old heap size (so we're growing the heap,
> due to memory pressure).

looks OK and works fine AFAICT. Pushed!

> When shrinking the heap, this check won't need to be run because
> we've just done a GC, so there *should be* no pressure on
> the nursery, so it won't get copied to the heap.  But I don't
> fully grok this part yet, so don't take my word for it.

So this would get rid of one comparsion operation per major GC? I'd
guess this is negligible, no?


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