On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 09:07:05PM +1300, Evan Hanson wrote:
> The second modifies `force` and adds R7RS's `delay-force` to provide
> R7RS/SRFI 45-style lazy semantics, meaning "delay-forced" promises are
> peeled in constant space. In this case, a forced promise may now act as
> a box for another; otherwise, they behave similarly to before. 
> (This second patch seems useful enough to me to go in core, and it was
> easier to add there, but if you think it should go in the egg instead,
> let me know.)

Thank you for these patches.  Since there's been no comment on this,
I've decided to add this to core.

You've forgotten a few things:

- Add the new test file to distribution/manifest
- Add the new test to the Windows batch file
- Update the documentation to mention the new macro

I've fixed this, and I also saw that make-promise wasn't documented
anywhere (except in the discussion of delay's behaviour), so I've added
this as well.  I didn't find a good place to add this, so I decided
to add it to the part where DELAY is discussed in "The R5RS standard",
with the explicit note that this is a CHICKEN extension.

After I wrote this I noticed that we both had forgotten another thing:
- to add it to the NEWS file.

So I've done that and pushed that as well.


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