On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:57:15PM +0000, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:
> We have a problem.  The removal of "tags" in the directory hierarchy
> breaks setup-download.scm's locate-egg/local, which is used by
> gather-egg-information.
> gather-egg-information is used by the make-egg-index script (/egg-index
> is currently broken) and salmonella, at least (there are probably more
> users).

I think this is essentially the same problem as we had with henrietta:
external eggs are too tightly coupled with the setup-api.  If we ever
hope to reimplement chicken-install, we really should cut all ties
between the core system and the external infrastructure tooling.

> I'm afraid we'll have to step back on the removal of the "tags"
> directory.

I think this move was a good one, and the locating of egg stuff should
be copied into salmonella.  The gather-egg-information procedure isn't
very big, so this shouldn't be much of a problem, I think.
locate-egg/local is a little hairy, but if you look at what it's doing,
there's a lot of support for various features we're not using.
For example, if the destination is missing (which it is, in
gather-egg-information, the (dest ..) part of the cond clause
is never used.  The clean option isn't present either, so the whole
(when clean ...) part can be cut out as well.

If you want to see a stripped-down version of locate-egg/local, take
a look at henrietta's "locate-egg" procedure.  I think that one can
be copied verbatim into Salmonella.  It even has support for multiple
major CHICKEN releases, which setup-download's version does not.

Maybe we can even remove gather-egg-information from setup-download now!


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