As a follow-up to my earlier inquiries regarding SLIME, I'd like to
notify those who were interested that I've opted to instead work on
Geiser support. The path to full support seems a little easier and,
IMHO, the integration with Scheme is more natural.

AFAICT, previous efforts to support Chicken in Geiser have been
abandoned and never made it much farther than launching the
interpreter. Please inform me if I am mistaken in this regard.

My efforts are here:

Currently, CAPF is working, so by extension I expect ac-geiser works
as well, though I haven't tried yet. I expect to have the bulk of the
remaining work done in the next few weeks, as I have a whole lot of
free time. At the moment there's a three week old little girl wrapped
to my chest, and I've been taking the long night shifts for bottle
feeding which give me plenty of time to hack.

Take care,

PS- I cross-posted to chicken-hackers because I believe this is
relevant to those who may be able to provide some advice in sussing
out the internals.

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