From: Peter Bex <>
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] extracting srfi-1 from chicken 5
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 08:27:38 +0100

> On Sun, Feb 01, 2015 at 05:23:11PM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
>> Felix Winkelmann scripsit:
>> > - There is an include file ("mini-srfi-1.scm") that holds the
>> >   procedures that are currently needed. It is included by several
>> >   units, mostly compiler units.
>> This sounds like the Right Thing.  We'll need some documentation on 
>> what mini-srfi-1 supports; in particular, that it doesn't typically
>> support multiple list arguments.
> From what I understand (I haven't had a chance to look at the code yet),
> mini-srfi-1 is supposed to be for internal use only; not for user code.
> This allows us to keep the number of features to a minimum and means we
> don't have to worry as much about error situations like invalid arg types.

Right, that was the intention. The definitions in mini-srfi-1.scm are not
exposed currently.


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