On Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:35:46 +0100 felix.winkelm...@bevuta.com wrote:

>> Salmonella relies on -prefix to install eggs into a fresh local egg
>> repository.  That's how it is able to catch dependency problems, for
>> example.
> Shouldn't you use a separately built chicken insallation for that,
> with a pristine egg repository for each run?

That would work, but it would make the use of salmonella very
inconvenient, as salmonella would depend on a fresh chicken installation
to work.  Not sure if I understand your proposal correctly, though.

For example, we have two common scenarios where salmonella is used:

* by egg authors, to test eggs:

  $ cd egg-source-dir
  $ salmonella

* by our test farm, where we build the whole set of eggs for different
  combinations of chicken branches, C compilers, etc.

Would it be feasible to use salmonella and C5 in these cases?

All the best.

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