On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 06:09:54PM +1200, Evan Hanson wrote:
> Is that right? Personally, I'd rather make (declare (hide ...)) simply
> do the right thing -- the right thing being the behaviour you originally
> expected when filing #1376 -- than add a new type of declaration or
> module syntax.
> I think this is similar to what Peter has said on that ticket, so a
> patch of that sort would be very welcome.

This is slightly more complicated due to declare being module-unaware.

(declare (hide foo))

(module a * (import chicken scheme) (define foo 1))
(module b * (import chicken scheme) (define foo 2))

Which foo should be hidden?  Both, or none?

I think the sane thing to do here is to make it error out,
considering there's no top-level foo to hide, and make it
work like this:

(module a *
   (import chicken scheme)
   (define foo 1))
(module b *
   (declare (hide foo))
   (import chicken scheme) (define foo 2))

So here a#foo is visible and exported, while b#foo is hidden and
not exported.


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