I agree that an explicit export list is beneficial for polished code.

However I do often use modules for *import* control, a.k.a. catching my typos, rather than export control. That's when the *-export is very useful.


On Jul 4 2017, megane wrote:

John Cowan <co...@ccil.org> writes:

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 10:11 AM, megane <megan...@gmail.com> wrote:

Working with the export list is painful without some syntax support. You
end up repeating every identifier name otherwise.

I consider the repetition to be a virtue rather than a vice.

The whole purpose of modules is to control what identifiers are exposed to the outside world and what identifiers are private. If you want to expose everything, why bother with a module at all? Just have a plain file that is included rather than imported.

I, too, want to precisely control what a module exports and what it

I think keeping the * export would be nice for beginners coming from
languages where export control is less manual work. I myself don't care

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