On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 05:33:16PM +0200, Peter Bex wrote:
> Given that we're trying to put r7rs-like procedures under similar
> namespace (but with scheme replaced by chicken) that creates a small
> inconsistency; (chicken base) would hold finite?, infinite? and nan?
> but they're really in (scheme inexact) in r7rs.

This same inconsistency crops up in (scheme lazy), which has
delay, delay-force, force, promise? and make-promise, whereas
the scheme module has delay and force.

Again, we could put delay-force, promise? and make-promise into
(chicken base) _and_ make an aliasing module (chicken lazy)
that has both the extended and r5rs procedures, but that seems
awkward and annoying when you import both; you'd get constant
warnings about re-importing identifiers.  OTOH, putting it just
under (chicken base) might result in the aforementioned confusion
for people familiar with r7rs.


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