On Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 11:04:48AM +1300, Evan Hanson wrote:
> On 2018-01-28 13:55, Peter Bex wrote:
> > One suggestion: Given that input-port-open? and output-port-open? are
> > in chicken.base, I would find it more intuitive to have port-closed? in
> > chicken.base as well.  What do you think?
> Sounds good. Here's an updated patch.

I've tested it, and had to put back some (import chicken) clauses
because the CHICKEN I used for bootstrapping (current master) did
not yet have the chicken.base import library which contains these

Thus, I put back (import chicken) and added the string port procedures
to chicken.import.scm again.  We can take those out once we make a new
prerelease for bootstrapping (which should happen soonish).

Other than that, great work, thanks!


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