Hello again,

this fixes #1446 I reported earlier.

The patch applies after the other patch I posted today.

Here's a simple example showing the issue:

(define-type T (or string boolean))
(: foo ((T T -> any) T -> any))
(define (foo f a) (f a "foo"))

(: bar (string string -> any))
(define (bar a b)
  (string-length a))

(print (foo bar #t))

;; $ csc -O3 func-args.scm && ./func-args
;; Error: (string-length) bad argument type: #t
;;      Call history:
;;      func-args.scm:9: string-length          <--

Same example in Typed Racket:

#lang typed/racket
(define-type T (U String Boolean))
(: foo (-> (-> T T Any) T Any))
(define (foo f a) (f a "foo"))

(: bar (-> String String Any))
(define (bar a b)
  (string-length a))
(print (foo bar #t))

;; $ racket function-args.rkt
;; function-args.rkt:9:12: Type Checker: type mismatch
;;   expected: (-> T T Any)
;;   given: (-> String String Any)
;;   in: bar
;;   context...:
;;    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/tc-setup.rkt:82:0: 
;;    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/typed-racket.rkt:24:4


diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index a330d4e..69b4583 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 		      (atypes atypes (cdr atypes))
 		      (i 1 (add1 i)))
 		     ((or (null? actualtypes) (null? atypes)))
-		   (unless (match-types 
+		   (unless (match-types
 			    (car atypes)
 			    (car actualtypes)
@@ -942,13 +942,31 @@
 (define (match-types t1 t2 #!optional (typeenv (type-typeenv `(or ,t1 ,t2))) all)
   (define (match-args args1 args2)
+    (define (match-rest rtype args opt reverse?)	;XXX currently ignores `opt'
+      (fluid-let ((all #t))
+	(let-values (((head tail) (span (lambda (x) (not (eq? '#!rest x))) args)))
+	  (let ((match1* (lambda (t r)
+			   (if reverse?
+			       (match1 r t)
+			       (match1 t r)))))
+	    (and (every
+		  (lambda (t)
+		    (or (eq? '#!optional t)
+			(match1* t rtype)))
+		  head)
+		 (let ((t (if (pair? tail) (rest-type (cdr tail)) '*)))
+		   (match1* t rtype)))))))
+    (define (optargs? a)
+      (memq a '(#!rest #!optional)))
     (d "match args: ~s <-> ~s" args1 args2)
     (let loop ((args1 args1) (args2 args2) (opt1 #f) (opt2 #f))
-      (cond ((null? args1) 
+      (cond ((null? args1)
 	     (or opt2
 		 (null? args2)
 		 (optargs? (car args2))))
-	    ((null? args2) 
+	    ((null? args2)
 	     (or opt1
 		 (optargs? (car args1))))
 	    ((eq? '#!optional (car args1))
@@ -956,25 +974,13 @@
 	    ((eq? '#!optional (car args2))
 	     (loop args1 (cdr args2) opt1 #t))
 	    ((eq? '#!rest (car args1))
-	     (match-rest (rest-type (cdr args1)) args2 opt2))
+	     (match-rest (rest-type (cdr args1)) args2 opt2 #f))
 	    ((eq? '#!rest (car args2))
-	     (match-rest (rest-type (cdr args2)) args1 opt1))
-	    ((match1 (car args1) (car args2))
+	     (match-rest (rest-type (cdr args2)) args1 opt1 #t))
+	    ((fluid-let ((all #t)) (match1 (car args2) (car args1)))
 	     (loop (cdr args1) (cdr args2) opt1 opt2))
 	    (else #f))))
-  (define (match-rest rtype args opt)	;XXX currently ignores `opt'
-    (let-values (((head tail) (span (lambda (x) (not (eq? '#!rest x))) args)))
-      (and (every			
-	    (lambda (t)
-	      (or (eq? '#!optional t)
-		  (match1 rtype t)))
-	    head)
-	   (match1 rtype (if (pair? tail) (rest-type (cdr tail)) '*)))))
-  (define (optargs? a)
-    (memq a '(#!rest #!optional)))
   (define (match-results results1 results2)
     (cond ((eq? '* results1))
 	  ((eq? '* results2) (not all))
diff --git a/tests/scrutinizer-tests.scm b/tests/scrutinizer-tests.scm
index ed313a4..8a87500 100644
--- a/tests/scrutinizer-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/scrutinizer-tests.scm
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@
 (test (>< (procedure (x)) (procedure (y))))
 (test (>< (procedure () x) (procedure () y)))
-(test (? (procedure (x)) (procedure (*))))
-(test (? (procedure () x) (procedure () *)))
+(test (< (procedure (*)) (procedure (x))))
+(test (< (procedure () x) (procedure () *)))
 (test (! (procedure (x)) (procedure ())))
 (test (! (procedure (x)) (procedure (x y))))
diff --git a/tests/typematch-tests.scm b/tests/typematch-tests.scm
index e4123cd..67d0e48 100644
--- a/tests/typematch-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/typematch-tests.scm
@@ -392,4 +392,14 @@
 ;; Always a bignum
 (infer-last (fixnum bignum) #x7fffffffffffffff)
+(proper-subtype (#!optional (or list vector) -> *) (#!optional list -> *))
+(proper-subtype (#!rest (or list vector) -> *) (#!rest list -> *))
+(proper-subtype (#!rest (or list vector) -> *) (vector #!rest list -> *))
+(proper-subtype ((or list vector) -> *) (list -> *))
+(proper-subtype ((or list vector) -> list) (list -> (or list vector)))
+(proper-subtype (-> list) (-> (or list vector)))
+(proper-subtype ((list -> *) -> *) (((or list vector) -> *) -> *))
+(proper-subtype (* -> ((or list vector) -> *)) (* -> (list -> *)))
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