On Mon, Jul 02, 2018 at 04:07:48PM +0200, Martin Schneeweis wrote:
> Hi,
> just a basic question: is it expected behaviour that applications
> compiled with "-debug-info" do not show exceptions (to be more
> precise: exceptions that are caused by missing imports)?
> If no, I will file a bug.
> See the attached file for a simple example ("(import (chicken fixnum))"
> is missing)
>   > csc less-than-5.scm         # compiles OK
>   > ./less-than-5
>   Exception: Error: unbound variable: fx<
>   > csc -debug-info less-than-5.scm  # compiles OK
>   > ./less-than-5   # no output
>   > csc -version
>   (c) 2008-2018, The CHICKEN Team
>   (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
>   Version 5.0.0 (rev 317dbeaa)        <== 2018-06-28 09:00:23
>   linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ]

Hi Martin!

This would definitely be incorrect behaviour.  However, I can't
reproduce the issue with my CHICKEN 5 build.  Can you delete your
installed CHICKEN and rebuild, just to make sure there are no old
import libs or some such lying around?

You can use the "bootstrap.sh" script found under "scripts" to
make absolutely sure the build is made correctly.


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