On 2018-09-09  9:28, felix.winkelm...@bevuta.com wrote:
> I don't think this is a good idea or even worthwhile. I strongly object.

Do you mind if I ask why?

If it's that you would prefer the build tools to use absolute pathnames
in all cases, then I'm happy to find another approach. If it's that you
think full paths should be included in trace information, then I
disagree. Absolute pathnames cease to be useful as soon as the binary is
relocated, the build directory goes away, a different user runs the
program, etc. It's also incompatible with repeatable builds.

I think the ideal would be for trace information to be relative to an
egg's source root, so that when a user encounters an error and wants to
investigate or file a bug, they can `chicken-install -r` the egg and
quickly find the problem code. A relative path makes this easy while an
absolute path is just noise they have to sift through.


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