On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 08:16:45PM +0100, felix.winkelm...@bevuta.com wrote:
> Be that as it may, I don't think such changes have any benefit. We don't
> follow a beauty contest, content is more important as the amount of 
> whitespace,
> comment or indentation style and so on. Changes of functionality may include 
> such
> superficial modifications but once we start with purely syntactic 
> modifications
> for their own sake, we will end up with style guides, which is something I 
> don't want.

FWIW, I totally agree.  I can't stand style guides.  Having an informal
set of agreements to make the code look consistent is enough, and it's
fine to tweak layout to be more consistent while you're changing the code
in that area (like our rule^Wtradition to replace [] with () when such
code is touched), but let's not start stricly enforcing anything.

I have to deal with enough of these sort of bullshit rules at work,
and I want CHICKEN to remain fun to hack on without getting slapped
on the wrist about arbitrary rule "violations" decided upon by a
stupid machine or overzealous people.  I know I sometimes am guilty
of doing exactly that, so feel free to correct me when I do so!

Having said that, I do like our .dir-locals.el setup to have at least
somewhat consistent auto-indenting.  That's nonintrusive and just a
matter of configuring your editor once (or not at all when using Emacs).


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