Thanks, your suggestions seem to be correct, I applied the patch and removed
the last call to sub-boxed!. I also added a (very simple) test.

> - Finally: there are still quite some remnants of the old boxing/unboxing
>    code around to mark variables as 'boxed, and there's still ##core#box
>    and ##core#unbox in the intermediate language.
>    Is that still relevant, or can we delete that too?  As far as I can
>    tell, that code is still active and used; could you tell me more about
>    how it works and how it relates (or not) to the lfa2 boxing and
>    unboxing step, especially why the patch introduces a new box_float
>    operation rather than re-using the old intermediate language box/unbox
>    operations?

##core#box/##core#unbox are unrelated, they access boxed variables
in closures (1-element vectors).


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