On Dec 3 2018, Peter Bex wrote:

On Mon, Dec 03, 2018 at 10:46:38AM +0100, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
So for me the question remains: wouldn't it be much, much more efficient to work sort-of hand-in-hand with one of the core developers, or maybe on the list to get the remaining things (bugs and improvements) fixed and reviewed?

I think this would be quite helpful.  Perhaps at another hackathon we can
sit down together (ideally with more than one core developer to ensure we
all are on the same page and understand it).

Agreed.  Or maybe the list?  Could take time to find a chance to meet.

This is one of the ugly truths of open source collaborative development;
you really have to have a good plan on how to communicate the changes
you're making back to "upstream",[...]

Dropping a complex patch is generally not the way to go about adding code
to an existing system.[...] eyeball it for obvious mistakes and
other quality issues.

Too true. Plus: it depends on the culture of the project. Try to put yourself in my shoes for a moment.

Up to porting to chicken, I mostly contributed to rscheme, which was a one man show. When I hit an issue, I'd send a vague patch and back came a completely rewritten one after a day or two. Though it generally where small issues or rare failures of complex optimizations going wrong.

This also means that the submitted code has to be so simple that others
who aren't familiar with it can study it and debug it if issues crop up
(and they will, with any sizable change).  The scheduler is a major pain
point regarding this, since concurrency is difficult enough (or
impossible?) to understand at all, regardless of the quality of the code
in the scheduler (which isn't stellar to begin with).

So when I evaluated chicken, I found it to be a compiler producing slightly faster code than rscheme.

First tests went well. Then I invested a lot of time until I could run a more sizable piece of code.

Just to run into all sorts of issues.

Taking #1564 for an example. It can be quite worse than just killing the program: When I ran into it, I was not always so lucky to find the thread piled up in the waiting queue to be in a state the consistency check would complain about. When the thread was blocked for a different mutex (hence sitting in two waiting queues at the same time), the mutex-unlock! would happily unblock it - thus stealing the other mutex from the third thread holding it.

This kind of poked fun at the idea to use them for synchronization.

At that point it did _not_ occur to me that my code would be especially complex a thing. Not did I assume nobody else had ever run more than toy examples on load-free systems. I assumed that it was obvious how badly broken it was. (And I did not foresee this not coming up elsewhere for a decade.)

Sure I felt bad to have to bring up such a huge patch. But it fixed several interrelated bugs plus two counts of Big-O reduction of complexity.

I might have expected some questions, comments etc. Certainly not being completely ignored.

So I tried to push it for a while.

Same goes for issues, which literally went against the text book examples used to teach how not to do things like not using dummy head lists in C - something I did not believe anybody would do. At least I expected the respective patch to be welcome. Especially as it was quite a job to actually change a large file and then test the results before submitting.

Eventually I took being ignored as unwarrented...

...and lost faith in the project.

So at some point, merging a large change is a bit of an act of faith.
It also requires trust, which needs to be built up over time by showing
consistent quality patches and commitment to the project.  This is the
really hard bit, especially if you just want one specific feature to be
added and don't have that many other things to contribute to the system
simply because it works for you.

Yeah, I just needed a compiler as rscheme was dead. I did not want to turn into a teacher. Little hope I had that I could ever get something fed back upstream. Hence I did no longer try to.

I don't have a good solution for this, but your suggestion to walk
through the code together seems like a good one to me.

Agreed.  Chicken is not that bad.  It just has a couple of rough edges.



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