[apologies if this is a repost.  I'm not seeing it on my end.]

felix winkelmann wrote:

Thanks, Brandon. Not being an autotools person myself

I'm a little confused. A distaste for autotools I can wholly understand and sympathize with. But how then are you using the tools? Just in the simplest way? Or did the configuration script work get done a long time ago, and you've forgotten, or the person who did them has moved on? I'm just trying to understand if I dig into autotools myself, what's a rational way to proceed.
not having a mingw environment to test this I must pass.

MinGW, although not the essence of convenience, is not terribly difficult to set up. Certainly, no more difficult than setting up Chicken. :-) Do you personally do any of the other Windows configurations, i.e. Cygwin and MSVC, or is someone else in charge of that?

Brandon J. Van Every
  (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
          '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

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