> #;1> (require-extension stream-wiki)
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/stream-wiki.so ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/srfi-40-base.so ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/stream-ext.so ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/format.so ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/stream-parser-base.so ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/sandbox.so ...
> #;2> (define inp (open-input-file 
> "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/wiki/index.wiki"))
> #;3> (define ins (wiki->html inp))
> #;4> (stream? ins)
> #t
> #;5> (stream->string ins)
> Error: stream library: "attempt to take stream-car of non-stream"

wiki->html expects a stream of characters to operate on, not a port.
You can use port->stream to get a stream with all the characters on a
given port; characters will be read from the port as they are taken
from the string.  Thus, your example could work like this:

#;1> (use stream-wiki)
; ...
#;2> (stream->string (wiki->html (port->stream (open-input-file 
"<p>This is a <a href='test' class='internal'>test</a>.</p>"

BTW, you may be confused by (stream? ins) returning #t in your
example (and the error being caught by stream->string rather than
wiki->html).  This is normal due to the lazy semantics of streams.

Hmm.  I've added a lot of optional parameters to wiki->html to provide
further control to the caller.  Maybe I should document those...



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