Thomas Chust wrote:

Am 03.10.2005, 15:47 Uhr, schrieb Patrick Brannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

1. Note that I had to name the exe chicken_d. I could easily rename it in a
later step, but the point is that CMake doesn't seem to easily support
custom file names. Files will be named for the target plus the appropriate

2. Setting source file properties is a global operation where the last set
wins. So I haven't found an easy way to combine both static and dynamic
linking. I even tried listing the source files twice and setting properties differently on each listing. The file sets seem to be global entities that
can accept only one set of properties.

However promising CMake looked to me, this doesn't sound like a terribly well designed core of the system...

Aren't you being rather premature in your pronouncement? There's probably some way to do it, it probably just requires different output directories or something. It takes time to RTFM. I think you're not paying enough attention to a more basic point: Thomas got this thing actually working with ease in a weekend. That's highly encouraging. If debug versions really do have to be called *_d, so what? If it's otherwise an easy, reliable, high quality build system, that's a good tradeoff.

Nothing in open source is perfect. Chicken is *hardly* perfect on Windows off-the-shelf. Does that mean I run around giving up on stuff, saying it's a "not terribly well designed core system?" In the worst case, if we want it to be perfect, we submit a patch to the CMake authors. It's open source after all.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
           '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

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