I too am suffering from very slow hash tables.  I'm brand-new to
chicken (although not to scheme) so it's possible that I'm doing
something wrong.

The gist of the problem is: I'm using bignums (from the "numbers")
extension as the hash table key; I created the table with
(make-hash-table =); I'm reading lines from /usr/share/dict/words, and
for each line, I'm computing a number, and using that number as the
hash key, and the word as the value.

It starts out storing perhaps 300 words per second, then gets
progressively slower; as I write this, it's storing perhaps 30 words
per second (the hash table has about 34,000 entries).

I'm using version 212 (which I got from darcs), so I expect all the
patches that have been previously mentioned have already been applied.

I'm happy to make the code available if anyone's interested (it's

Any ideas how I can speed this up?
Paul Graham is right.
        --Shriram Krishnamurthi

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