On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, SergeyKhorev wrote:

> [...] So I was wondering how difficult would be a task replacing Chicken 
> runtime system? My idea is to keep current runtime interface but 
> substitute the body with calls to the host language other than just C. 
> Has anyone looked into this or even tried to implement? [...]


the only thematically related project that I know of is John Lenz's parrot 
backend for CHICKEN, which has a homepage at
and should also be mentioned somewhere in the archives of this mailing 
list or the perl.perl6.internals newsgroup.

Generally speaking, a replacement of the runtime system should be 
possible, but maybe not desirable. I think that the special stack 
allocation technique employed by CHICKEN will probably integrate badly 
with most other language runtimes and that forcing the CHICKEN runtime on 
top of another system might incur quite a performance loss.

For expert advice on the topic I'd ask Felix, though :)


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