I would certainly agree that this is not the right way to do things. A
few patches that correctly identify MINGW would be pretty easy to
implement. Right now, csc thinks everything is either Unix or Windows.
And there are hard coded assumptions for either model. A good fix
shouldn't be too hard.

On 3/1/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick Brannan wrote:
> I recommend that you eliminate all extraneous path entries.  I ran into
> some strange linking issues with some of my standard path entries.
> ======================================================================
> Change these files:
> *** csc.scm.in
>     Line 105
>       remove '-DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG '
>     Line 185 should be:
>       (define default-library-files '("%staticlibfiles%"))
>     Line 529 should be:
>       (set! compile-options (cons* "-DC_SHARED" compile-options))
> *** chicken.h
>     Line 80 should be
>       # if defined(__CYGWIN__)
> We need to resolve what The Right Way To Do Things [TM] actually is.  In my
> experience, asking people to change the source code to perform a build, does
> not result in builds that other people replicate.  It's usually too much of
> a PITA, error prone, and even if someone else gets it working, the next
> person who comes along goes through a learning curve all over again.  If
> these changes are supposed to be in the source, then let's make them.  If
> they shouldn't, if they would impact other ways of building Chicken, then
> let's figure out a way that doesn't.
> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every
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