On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 04:05:22PM +0200, Peter Busser wrote:
> Hi!
> > Ajax egg.  And some session support, but we can do
> > that easily, and even _better_ with continuations.  See
> > (http://radio.weblogs.com/0102385/2004/04/03.html#a568) for some tasty
> > stuff.  This could ideally be integrated in Spiffy.
> IMHO it would be better to make it easy to integrate, but seperate from
> Spiffy. There are people who do not want to or who cannot use Spiffy.
> They would not benefit from such a framework.
> For instance, in many companies, it is mandatory to use something like
> Apache. It would be useful if this framework would work with the SCGI egg,
> so it can be integrated with Apache through the mod-scgi module for Apache.

I agree fully.  This is the approach Rails takes too: It allows you to
choose from CGI or FCGI with an arbitrary webserver or Ruby Webrick for
quick 'n dirty testing.  (Webrick isn't as scalable as "big" webservers
like Apache or Lighttpd and I imagine Spiffy is not much better)

> > If anyone is interested: having a decent userfriendly Scheme CMS would
> > be *very* useful too :)
> Agreed! I have been looking for something like that. IMHO it should consist
> of building blocks, which can be glued together. This makes customisation
> easier, because no size fits all.

Yes, it should use plug-in components.  That's what makes CMSes like
Joomla! (which is crap) so popular; if you want something you don't need
to code it, you just upload a component that presents the info.  You only
need to tell the CMS with a template where you want the info and style
it optionally with CSS.  (IMHO the template is perhaps not even necessary
since CSS is powerful enough to position things)

When I'm done with wrapping up all the stuff I still need to do I'll get
back to you, we could work together on this.  Sounds like the interest
is there, but people just are too busy with other stuff.

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 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music."
                                                        -- Donald Knuth

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