On 5/29/06, Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Now, I have absolutely no problem with this. There is just one
> >catch: I don't want to maintain two versions of the manual, and we
> >definitely need something that can be installed locally.
> >Personally, I would suggest that we use
> >http://galinha.ucpel.tche.br/coop, since it's internal format can
> >be converted relatively easily to/from other formats. What we need
> >is a texi generator.  (any volunteers?)
> I'll volunteer a few cycles, though I don't use streams and I know
> Alejandro is fond of them, hope that's not a barrier to entry. :-)
> I'll need to brush up on my texinfo, though, it's been a while.

Well, here is how I would recommend you do this.  The stream-wiki egg
separates the parsing of wiki format from the actual generation of
output.  The wiki->html function is defined as follows: [snip]

Thanks for the clues Alejandro! I'll take a look at the code and try
to get something working in the next week.


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