On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 04:53:46PM +0200, felix winkelmann wrote:
> What do others think?
> (felix)

Just a random thought... Why not choose one and stick with it?
I know there are a lot of figglets, but a lot of them are unusable by
default. I know the idea of having different, new banner on each release
is cool. BUT...
but EVENTUALLY you'll run out of "pretty" ones and later, presumable
better versions of chicken (the ones which will remain for posterity ;)
will have to go will less and less amiable banners.

Choose most likable now, perhaps fix it to your best fit and stick with it.

just a 0.02 PLN

(.sig (,n Majkel J. Smyfsky) (,e copocoto (@ (. wp pl))) (,rlu (# 166572))
   (.cite "Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for"
  (,attr Uknown Source)) (.up (,day 102 (.h 18 (.m 50))) (,la 0.00)))

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