--- Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jul 7, 2006, at 6:16 PM, Chess Player wrote:

> > How would I call the DLL routine "SetConsoleCursorPosition"
> > in Chicken?
> AFAIK you can't. The entire Chicken interface to dynamic loading is  
> oriented to loading Chicken libraries.
> FWIW I need an unspecialized dynld interface also so it will probably  
> be available Real-Soon-Now.

That's good news.  I consider this ability a necessity for a
language running on windows that is to be used to write interactive
programs.  In Ruby, people have used this to write libraries that
enable printing to the console in different colors, positioning the
cursor, getting a key-press without waiting for <ENTER>, accessing
the windows clipboard, etc.

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