Harri Haataja wrote:
On 29/05/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dan wrote:
> Just a small observation -- the propensity for long,
> complicated URL's isn't a win. Typing the full
> www.call/cc.org is a pain;

> Maybe it's just me, but I'd love shorter, memorable
> URL's.

I do too, but the value isn't in personal use.  It's in chalkboards,
overhead projectors, and casual conversations, when you're trying to get
something to stick in a crowd's mind.  Actually
"call-with-current-continuation.org" is rather easy for a Functional
Programmer to remember... but most people don't know what FP is.

It does stick, indeed. Of course a few more remaining possibilities
are navigating to it via a few hops from some easy to remember wiki
(like http://community.schemewiki.org/ though that's not the shortest
name either),

I don't consider community.* an easy URL to remember. I've never seen a URL like that before.


Only certain people have Google discipline.  Most people are lazy.

your homepage or profile somewhere etc, have a
personal wiki (more common these days, see http://pbwiki.com/ or use a
service like tinyurl to create some nice TLA-length alias :)

A stretch, since I have none of these things.

Brandon Van Every

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