Ian Oversby wrote:
After struggling horribly, trying (and failing) to get ECL running in Windows I am really looking for a better experience.

Can you please relate the difficulties you had? I am forever weighing in on matters of "Lisp or Scheme?" in comp.lang.lisp and comp.lang.scheme. My mantra has been, "There are no good compiled open source Common Lisps on Windows." I dismissed ECL a year ago, figuring if it didn't use Windows suffix conventions for its nmake files, it couldn't be all that Windows oriented. I made some obstreperous public statements about this at the time. My dismissal may have been unfair, which is why I've been giving it the benefit of the doubt in public statements lately. But if it sucked for you, I'd like to know exactly what lengths you went to, in trying to get it to work. Then I could render an accurate opinion on ECL, and solidify my general claim, "There are no good compiled open source Common Lisps on Windows." And get Chicken converts.

I'll change my tune when SBCL actually works on Windows. And I'm not helping them. Not out of any mean-spiritedness, but I did just spend 9 months to implement first-class Windows build support on Chicken. I want to use my investment, not churn.

Brandon Van Every

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