Daishi Kato scripsit:

> Someone used to (still?) provide a debian package, which was my first
> access to Chicken as a interpreter as well as a compiler.

Yes, I pointed this out on the chicken-hackers list.

> People usually won't compile "gcc", will they?

No (unless they need a feature that is not yet released).  But gcc is
a special case: most people do not have another C compiler to compile
it with, and almost all languages depend on C compiling at one stage or
another (to compile the compiler, interpreter, or run-time system).

As I laid it out on chicken-hackers, there are four groups of potential

1) Those who will only install binary packages.

2) Those who will install source with the
fetch-unpack-configure-make-install sequence.

3) Those who will install source even if they have to adjust the makefile
or even the source code a bit.  (This is me.)

4) Those who will install source even if there is no makefile.

The question is, how many of these groups are we willing to cut off?
I suspect that the answer is different on Windows than on Unix.

One Word to write them all,             John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  One Access to find them,              http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
One Excel to count them all,
  And thus to Windows bind them.                --Mike Champion

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