Well, it's certainly not going to hurt anybody, and it might be
somewhat useful for future "forking" of the egg repository. Though of
course some eggs might later have bug fixes that don't necessarily
break compatibility with older versions... whatever happened to the
idea of having unit tests for eggs?

"felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 12/8/06, Ivan Raikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   I was going to say, it would take some effort to backport the
>> current egg repository to a given older version of Chicken. But I
>> appreciate the new addition to chicken-setup; and at least I can
>> create a Chicken 2.3 egg repository for the eggs I use.
> I wonder if it would make sense to tag the egg-repository on each
> chicken release...
> cheers,
> felix

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