Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:

> I've never cared about contract programming, because I'm too saddled
> with performance concerns to worry about that.

"If it doesn't have to work, I can make it as fast as you want."

> Oops.  The problem, in my point of view, is that you Unix guys are
> always setting up mailing lists to be "Reply To Sender."

Nothing to do with Unix; the convention much predates the use of
Unix to run the world's mailing lists.

> So I have to manually type the name of the list every time I reply.

Use the "Reply All" button.  (The owner will get two copies, like you
are getting of this message; big deal.)

> Windows guys set up their mailing lists to be "Reply To List."

Until the first time that a *highly* confidential reply to the author,
possibly libeling another list participant, goes back to the list.

> Windozers go for what makes sense to the common man; "Reply" means
> "send it back to where it came from."

"Reply" means "reply to one (the author)"; "Reply All" means "reply to
all (the list)".  What could be clearer?

> I will wager, furthermore, that a default of Reply-To-Author is a relic
> of a time when net curmudgeons didn't want you "wasting everyone's
> time" with your idle chit-chat.  Force you to think about replying to
> the entire group, the entire world community, all the resources wasted
> on all those servers, oh my!

It isn't "all those servers", it's "all those brains".  Why should 500
or 5000 mailing-list participants have to read (even enough to delete)
your personal, private, of-no-concern-to-anybody-else response?

Is a chair finely made tragic or comic? Is the          John Cowan
portrait of Mona Lisa good if I desire to see           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it? Is the bust of Sir Philip Crampton lyrical,
epical or dramatic?  If a man hacking in fury
at a block of wood make there an image of a cow,
is that image a work of art? If not, why not?               --Stephen Dedalus

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